Monday, 21 August 2017

Pilihan ed lovett biner

Empat CA Regional Agritourism Summit pada bulan Februari amp Maret Program Farm Kecil California University dan penasihat Penyuluh Koperasi UC di empat wilayah California bekerja sama dengan mitra lokal untuk menyelenggarakan KTT Agritourisme Regional untuk semua orang yang terlibat dalam agritourisme California. KTT akan menjadi kesempatan bagi petani, peternak, perencana daerah, komunitas pariwisata dan pihak-pihak lain yang terlibat untuk berbagi, belajar, dan merencanakan bersama. Regional Agritourism Summits 2017 Operator agritourism, profesional pariwisata, staf, pejabat pemerintah daerah, kota dan negara bagian, organisasi masyarakat, organisasi pertanian, penyelenggara tur dan semua pihak yang terkait dengan agritourisme California diundang untuk bergabung dalam percakapan. KTT akan diadakan di Davis, Petaluma, Modesto dan Riverside. Presentasi dan topik diskusi akan mencakup peraturan daerah tentang rencana pemasaran media sosial dan acara pengorganisasian sesi pelatihan pengembangan ide pembiayaan pengembangan usaha untuk pengembangan usaha dan lebih banyak lagi. Setiap puncak direncanakan oleh tim lokal untuk mencerminkan kebutuhan daerah dengan sebaik-baiknya, sehingga masing-masing akan unik. Setiap puncak akan menjadi sesi partisipatif sepanjang hari dengan makan siang yang disediakan. Peserta diundang untuk membawa informasi pemasaran dan organisasi untuk ditampilkan dan dibagikan. Untuk mendaftar dan belajar lebih banyak, silakan kunjungi ucanr. edusummits2017 atau hubungi Koordinator Agritourisme Program Small Small Farm Penny Leff, 530-752-7779 atau paleffucdavis. edu. USDA mengumumkan Streamlined Guaranteed Loans dan Kategori Pemberi Pinjaman Tambahan untuk Operator Kecil USDA baru-baru ini mengumumkan tersedianya versi pinjaman USDA yang disederhanakan, yang disesuaikan untuk pertanian skala kecil dan produsen perkotaan. Program yang disebut EZ Guarantee Loans, menggunakan proses aplikasi yang disederhanakan untuk membantu para petani, peternak dan peternak kecil, kurang terlayani dan keluarga mengajukan pinjaman hingga 100.000 dari pemberi pinjaman yang disetujui oleh USDA untuk membeli lahan pertanian atau membiayai operasi pertanian. USDA juga meluncurkan kategori kreditur baru yang akan bergabung dengan kreditor tradisional, seperti bank dan credit unions, dalam menawarkan USDA EZ Guarantee Loans. . Read more Upcoming eventsUnderstatement Menggambarkan ledakan atom sebagai agak bising. Sebuah pernyataan yang, meski secara teknis akurat dalam arti harfiah, gagal untuk menyampaikan besarnya situasi yang sedang dijelaskan. Ada banyak cara untuk menggunakan ini. Salah satu cara yang umum adalah mengikuti Aturan Tiga dengan memiliki dua poin kuat yang diikuti oleh sesuatu yang lebih santai. Hal ini dapat membantu untuk memiliki seorang Deader Snarker yang biasa menyajikan hal-hal dengan cara yang paling tidak menarik, terutama jika mereka melihat-lihat semua. Ditz mungkin membuat pernyataan yang tidak disengaja. Bagaimanapun, meremehkan hanya bekerja di mana tingkat ketegangan telah dibangun untuk pergi ke bawah. Perhatikan itu seperti sarkasme. Beberapa orang benar-benar buta terhadap pengaruhnya. Humor Inggris dan Australia terkadang menunjukkan hal ini. Please dont sinkhole artikel ini dalam usaha Anda sendiri pada meremehkan di wiki. Usaha itu berhasil atau tidak. Openclose semua folder Anime amp Manga In Dragon Ball GT. Ketika Chi-Chi aneh saat Goku tidak tahu tentang Dragon Ball di kepalanya. Gohans respon: Gohan: Dia akhirnya retak. Gadis Ajaib Liris Nanoha StrikerS. Karakter judul mempekerjakan ini sering dalam pidato sehari-hari. Menceritakan putrinya Vivio bahwa ini akan sedikit menyakitkan sebelum peledakan dia dengan lima Starlight Breakers pada saat yang sama hanyalah satu dari banyak contoh. Contoh lain yang terkenal: Haruskah saya mendinginkan kepala Anda sedikit, yang karakter judulnya diucapkan kepada seorang Teana yang memberontak sebelum membombardirnya ke dalam ketidaksadaran dengan menggunakan mantranya sendiri. Saat memberikan rangkuman musim pertama. Shamal mengatakan bahwa Nasib akan mengalami beberapa komplikasi dengan keluarganya saat itu. Terjemahan: Takdir kloning dan ibunya adalah monster kasar yang memanipulasinya. Kode Geass telah Nunnally menjadi tuan meremehkan dengan Di masa lalu, kejadian yang tidak menguntungkan terjadi di dalam Wilayah Administratif Khusus Jepang. Kejadian yang tidak menguntungkan berarti genosida. Mayor dari Hellsing merangkum semuanya dengan pernyataan kecil ini: Teman-teman saya, sering dikatakan bahwa saya menyukai perang. Dia kemudian menghabiskan sekitar 5 menit untuk mengklarifikasi bagian mana tentang perang yang paling dia cintai. Di suatu tempat di sepanjang garis, meremehkan itu padam. Zelgadis, residen Deadpan Snarker of Slayers. Sangat menyukai meremehkan. Di Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. Ada pertukaran kecil antara Mokona dan Fuuma saat pertempuran: Fuuma: Sepertinya kakak laki-lakiku-san mulai menganggap ini serius. Mokona: Apa yang terjadi jika Seishirou menjadi serius Fuuma: Thats ketika keadaan menjadi sedikit menakutkan. Guts dari Berserk cenderung bersikap acuh tak acuh terhadap hal-hal yang akan membuat orang lain berteriak-teriak di perbukitan. Salah satu contoh menonjol, meskipun, ketika dia berkelahi dengan baju besi Berserker yang menodai rasa sakitnya. Setelah digigit oleh apa yang pada dasarnya adalah paus sperma yang dimiliki, diambil oleh tornado dan jatuh dari ketinggian beberapa ratus kaki, dan menangkap tiang utama yang terbakar (yang biasanya akan membawa 12 pria dan sekelompok katrol untuk diangkat) sebelum itu. Jatuh pada teman-temannya, dia berkomentar, deadpan, well, aku akan sakit di pagi hari. Dalam Fullmetal Alchemist. Mustang menyatakan garis ini saat melawan Envy. Mustang Apa rasanya memiliki cairan di dalam matamu mendidih aku membayangkan itu mungkin menyengat sedikit. Alchemist Negara Bagian: Anda terbunuh karena tidak menghormati perintah atasan Anda. Kimblee: Bisa dibilang begitu. Atau Anda bisa mengatakan bahwa saya membuat wanita dan anak-anak meledak. Dan saat atasan saya mengeluh. Dua contoh Mahou Sensei Negima yang bagus. Satu, Tsukuyomi dengan santai menyebutkan pada Takdir yang tidak pernah bergaul dengan orang lain dengan baik. Tsukuyomi hanya jatuh dari Maniac Omnicidal di dalamnya Untuk Evulz karena dia tidak memiliki kekuatan. Godel juga mengirim catatan singkat kepada Negi dengan senyum ceria tentang bagaimana pertemuan terakhir mereka mungkin tidak berjalan dengan baik jika dia membaca ini sekarang. Godel hanya mencoba untuk memotong anggota badan Negis dan membuat luka besar di bahu Asunas. Di Digimon Tamers. Salah satu Digimon, yang berbentuk seperti gigi, melakukan ini banyak. Hagurumon: Its fantastis Its great. Nah, tebak oke. Hagurumon: (belakangan) Its a disaster Yang mengerikan Meh, tebak tidak begitu bagus. Terbalik di Mobile Suit Gundam Ringkas. Ketika Char berbicara dengan Wakil Laksamana Dozle setelah salah satu pertemuan pertama Chars dengan Gundam dan melapor kembali ke Dozle (melawan kehendaknya sendiri) dan mengatakan bahwa Gundam memiliki 6 senjata dan memakan orang. Datang di Naruto setelah Madara menabrak pertempuran Narutos dengan Tobi setelah terakhir terlihat berkelahi dengan kelima Kage. Naruto. Apa yang terjadi dengan yang lain Madara. Siapa tahu Theyre mungkin. tidak baik. Dipotong untuk semua lima Kage berbaring di kolam darah mereka sendiri Vinland Saga. Setelah menumbuhkan sepasang bola besar dan memutuskan untuk menjadi Penguasa Eropa Utara. Canute menjawab pertanyaan di mana dia ingin pergi ke markas militer di Gainsborough. Aku akan bertengkar dengan ayahku. Di Black Lagoon. Belanda membawa Rock untuk mengurus sandera mereka dengan pernyataan berikut: Belanda. Rock, bisakah kamu mengambil alih menjaga anak Seperti yang bisa kamu lihat, tidak banyak naluri keibuan disana. (Sebagai tanggapan terhadap Revy yang membuka api pada sandera anak yang tidak bersenjata) Video pratinjau pertama Kotoura-san. Dimana Haruka mewawancarai dirinya sendiri. Dia dengan sedih merendahkan bagaimana dia memikirkan kekuatan telepati-nya. Dia paling banyak mengatakan, saya tidak benar-benar menginginkannya, dan menggunakan Dirty Mind-Reading konstan dari Manabe sebagai contohnya. Itulah masalahnya, terutama mengingat teman pertamanya dalam hampir satu dekade. Dalam penyederhanaan yang berlebihan, kekuatan telepati Harukas membuat dia tidak berteman, mengalami stigmatisasi secara sosial dan sangat trauma. Sebenarnya, dia mulai berkeringat deras saat wawancara berlanjut dan akhirnya dia memutuskan terlalu lelah untuk melanjutkan. Batman mengatakan bahwa dia tahu bahwa dia tidak mudah dikenali. Isikan dumbstruck yang terlihat di wajah Batfamil yang berkumpul. Oracle. Baik. Itu tentang meremehkan abad ini. Aku akan mengatakan. Adegan serupa terjadi di Watchmen saat Sociopathic Hero Rorschach mengakui bahwa dirinya sulit untuk menjadi temannya. Dari beberapa terbitan beberapa buku komik yang ditulis oleh beberapa penulis: Kartun Whitney Darrow vintage untuk majalah The New Yorker memiliki tiga perampok yang muncul dari sebuah bank dengan jarahan mereka, untuk menghadapi sebuah barisan polisi bersenjata berat, segerombolan pers Kendaraan dan sekitar seribu rubusheckers. Salah satu perampok: Pasti ada kebocoran. Reaksi Eveys terhadap V yang meledakkan Gedung Parlemen di V untuk Vendetta. Tapi itu. Itu melanggar hukum yang diberdayakan. . Kurasa, celana putih itu mungkin terlalu rendah. Sebentar lagi, sebentar lagi. Ultron. Kami akan memiliki kata-kata denganmu World of Fire memiliki Leia yang menyampaikan eksposisi tentang situasi Dug Too Deep, dan mengatakan bahwa jika The Empire menguasai apa pun yang ada di bawah. Luke. Bisa jadi masalah Leia. Luke, saya suka hadiah Anda untuk meremehkan Transformer: Lebih dari Memenuhi Mata dimulai karena berarti terus berlanjut saat Rewind, Ratchet, dan Chromedome, berniat bergabung dengan semacam pencarian eksodus, tiba-tiba terjadi kecelakaan Whirl and Cyclonus di depan mereka setelah Yang pertama menangani yang terakhir dari tebing. Sebelum Whirl bisa menyelesaikan Cyclonus off, bagaimanapun, ada ledakan Energon tiba-tiba dari bawah, yang mengetuk Whirl, membuka lubang di tanah, dan mengungkapkan Tailgate tanpa kaki, yang memiliki serangan panik setelah mengira dia membunuh Whirl dan meninggal dunia. . Rewind hanya mengatakan ini. Kembali. Ini berubah menjadi hari yang sangat aneh. Digunakan beberapa kali di With Strings Attached. Tapi mungkin yang paling terkenal saat John memasuki tempat kejadian menyeret Paul, yang telah berubah menjadi patung berlian: Lad, sedikit bermasalah. Turnabout Storm. Twilight mengacu pada apa yang Phoenix sebut menculik saya dengan mantra aneh Anda sebagai kemunduran kecil. Twilight mengatakan bahwa Trixie memiliki kebiasaan untuk menjalankan mulutnya, yang tidak begitu meremehkan, tapi setelah menghabiskan waktu 2 menit bersamanya, Phoenix berpikir bahwa menjalankan mulutnya tidak memotongnya. Rarity mengatakan bahwa dia merasa terganggu menunggu di kantor pos. Dia mengatakan ini setelah kata-kata kasarnya yang keras dan keras tentang pelayanan mereka dan kurangnya pena mereka. Phoenix: (A TAD, sepertinya Anda baru saja menderita aneurisma) Seperti yang saya tahu, Rachel, beberapa saat berbahaya telah menimpa Bumi Tengah. Elrond memulai. Percayalah aku bergumam, dan Elrond memberiku pandangan sebelum melanjutkan. Anak Twilight. Reaksi kader terhadap rekap kejadian yang terburu-buru oleh Cutie Mark Crusaders, saat Canterlot diserang oleh Changelings yang sedang diperjuangkan oleh Celestia dan Luna, sementara Discord membuatnya menjadi pembawa tawa dan piano koala hanya untuk menyatakan: Thats unusual news. Pada satu titik di The Many Doors of Niu Heimar setelah Thor mencoba untuk menahannya, Loki melemparkannya begitu keras dan jauh sehingga trotoar beton pecah saat ia mendarat. Thor mengklaim Loki bereaksi. Dia juga orang yang menggantungkan kap lampu saat Bruce menggambarkan Hulk sebagai penyakit. Tony: Anda seperti ahli dalam meremehkan, saya menyukainya. Film 8212 Animated Flushed Away. Terima kasih. Untuk lift Peringatan: Agak dingin ditulis di atas tangki nitrogen cair. Tertipu - ketika jam tangan Wolf Red Puckett jatuh beberapa ratus kaki dari kabin mobil kabel yang bergerak, dia meringkaskannya di tape record to self tape-nya, seperti Aduh. Di kusut Rapunzel dengan cepat bergeser di antara kegembiraan pada kebebasan dan keputusasaan yang baru ditemukannya saat memikirkan untuk benar-benar melarikan diri dari ibunya (sebenarnya penculiknya, tapi dia tidak tahu itu) beberapa kali. Flynn mendengus Kau tahu. Saya tidak bisa membantu tapi melihat Anda tampak sedikit berperang dengan diri Anda di sini. Ini dari Batman Beyond: Kembalinya Joker. Di mana Batgirl memanggil Harley keluar untuk membantu kejahatan terakhir Jokers. Harley: Ok, jadi dia batuk sedikit anak itu. Tapi aku benar. Sambil menyulut bocah itu, si Joker menyiksa Robin sampai pada titik kegilaan total. Pinokio. Menanggapi Monstros bersin raksasa. Jinyiny Cricket: Gesundheit Frozen. Setelah Elsa keluar sebagai penyihir dan melarikan diri, secara tidak sengaja membekukan seluruh kerajaan menjadi Musim Dingin Tak berujung. Ini dikombinasikan dengan Lampshading of Could Have Avoided Plot. Anna ini:. Tentu saja ini tidak akan terjadi jika dia baru saja menceritakan rahasianya padanya. Shes stinker. Pertukaran antara Big Bad Yzma dan Kronik Musuhnya yang Bodoh di Kaisar New Groove saat racun (sebenarnya ramuan) yang mereka berikan kepada Pangeran Kuzco narsistik tidak cukup membunuhnya tapi agak agak, uh, mengubahnya menjadi seekor llama. Putri dan kodok Louis sang gator mengakui keinginannya untuk bermain sangkakala untuk band jazz manusia, yang menyebabkan kilas balik apa yang terjadi pada suatu saat dia mencoba melakukan hal itu. Gagasan Cutaway-nya kepada Louis melompat ke sebuah bantaran sungai dan langsung dikejar saat menghindari tembakan. Louis: (Stonefaced) Itu tidak berakhir dengan baik. Film 8212 Live-Action Laurel dan Hardy. Di film pendek Helpmates. Stan Laurel mencoba membantu Oliver Hardy yang putus asa setelah pesta liar sebelum Mrs. Hardy yang ceroboh kembali ke rumah. Satu hal mengarah ke yang lain dan Stan akhirnya membakar rumah Ollies. Setelah permintaan maaf penuh air mata, dia menutupnya dengan menyatakan, Well, saya kira tidak ada yang tersisa untuk saya lakukan. Ollie mendesah dengan pengunduran diri dan bilang, kurasa tidak. Apollo 13. . Mereka tidak akan tahu ke mana mereka menuju. Itu cara yang buruk untuk terbang. Indiana Jones dan Perang Salib Terakhir. Setelah Donovan menderita salah satu kematian paling mengerikan yang pernah terjadi setelah minum dari Grail yang salah, Knight Grail hanya mengatakan ini: Dia memilih. Buruk Situasi kita belum membaik. Ghostbusters (1984) - Menyeberangi sungai akan menjadi buruk. Dan tadi, sesaat setelah memusnahkan gerobak pembersih, oke. Tes yang berhasil Ghostbusters (2016). Hal ini dinyatakan dalam konfrontasi dengan Big Bad bahwa, begitu portal ke Sisi Lain dibuka, orang mati akan kembali mengganggu hidup. Erin menunjukkan bahwa ini tidak terdengar terlalu buruk. The Big Bad menjelaskan bahwa gangguan ini akan berupa penyiksaan, kematian dan pembantaian. Ghostbusters kemudian berkomentar bahwa si kecil adalah pilihan kata-kata yang buruk untuk apa yang digambarkannya, dan kiamat mungkin akan lebih tepat. Yang Terpilih di Kung Pow Masuki Tinju yang menghadapi Bad Besar di klimaks film bersama Anda membunuh keluarga saya. Dan aku tidak menyukai hal semacam itu. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Bertahun-tahun yang lalu, sesuatu terjadi di atas sana. Sesuatu yang tidak terlalu bagus. Di trailer untuk film ini, kutipan dari Mrs. Lovett ini biasa merujuk pada Sweeneys. berdarah. Membunuh foya Tapi dalam konteks film (dan permainannya didasarkan pada), ini merujuk pada Benjamin Barkers transportasi palsu seumur hidup dan akan mengarah pada jumlah Poor Thing, di mana kita mengetahui bahwa Hakim Turpin, setelah momen Kick the Dog di atas. , Telah jalan dengan orang-orang miskin istri. Harry Potter Piala Api. Harry. Ayo cari di mana suara kita terdengar. Hermione. Danau Hitam, itu jelas. Harry. Satu jam lamanya kamu harus melihat. Hermione. Sekali lagi, jelas, meski diakui berpotensi bermasalah. Harry. Berpotensi bermasalah Kapan terakhir kali Anda menahan napas di bawah air selama satu jam, Hermione Hermione. Sedikit sensitif. Setelah selamat dari pertemuan mengerikan dengan Hogwarts Express: Di Star Trek. Penilaian Spock Primes terhadap si bajingan yang menghancurkan Vulcan karena SP gagal menyelamatkan Romulus di masa depan. Dia adalah Romulan yang sangat bermasalah. Serahkan pada Spock - Spock apapun - untuk menjadi tuan dari pernyataan yang meremehkan. Dari percakapan yang sama: Kirk. Jadi kau bilang aku harus secara emosional kompromi kalian. Spock Prime. Jim, saya baru saja kehilangan planet saya. Saya dapat memberitahu Anda, saya terganggu secara emosional. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country memiliki pasangan tentang penghancuran Praxis. Yang pertama adalah tanggapan Brigadir Kurlas terhadap tawaran bantuan Excelsiors: Telah terjadi insiden Praxis. Yang lainnya diberikan lagi oleh The Spock. Dua bulan yang lalu Federasi Starship memantau sebuah ledakan prasasti Klingon bulan. Jika Anda menelepon dirobohkan dan hampir terguncang berkeping-keping pemantauan. Lampshaded di Star Trek V: Frontier Akhir ketika Chekov memperingatkan Sybok (yang baru saja mengambil seorang sandera Klingon, di antara beberapa lainnya) bahwa seekor burung pemakan burung Klingon akan datang ke Nimbus III: Sybok: Saya membayangkan Klingon akan sangat marah . Chekov: Anda adalah tuan meremehkan. Mereka cenderung menghancurkan planet ini Pada akhir Kill Bill. Bill menjelaskan pembantaiannya atas setiap orang yang menghadiri latihan pernikahan Brides dengan mengatakan bahwa dia bereaksi berlebihan. Oh, dan permata kecil ini: Earl McGraw. Tampaknya ada yang keberatan dengan persatuan ini dan tidak mampu menahan kedamaian mereka. Di gladiator Kaisar mengatakan tentang anaknya, Commodus bukanlah orang yang bermoral. Bahkan dia pun tidak tahu. Lampshaded in I, Robot. Setelah pemberontakan robot yang diproteksi Properly Paranoid Spooner dimulai, Spooner menunjukkan ahli robotika yang menolak peringatannya sebelumnya dan mengatakan dengan puas: Anda tahu, entah bagaimana, saya katakan begitu tidak cukup mengatakannya. Sersaksi Galaxy Quest s Serge Sersan Fred Kwan lebih memilih reaksinya untuk tidak sengaja mendeportasi 8 juta tahun cahaya di sebuah gel-polong untuk mendarat di kapal asing yang ditaklukkan. Itu adalah hal yang mengerikan. Di Dredd. Di akhir film, Hakim Ketua muncul untuk menanyai Dredd tentang apa yang terjadi di Peach Trees (termasuk senjata Gatling yang mengunyah satu blok, mengeluarkan pusat distribusi dan produksi utama untuk obat-obatan terlarang, menurunkan salah satu penjahat yang lebih hebat Organisasi di Mega City One, jumlah mayat yang sangat tinggi, dan menjatuhkan empat hakim yang korup). Hakim KHI: Apa yang terjadi di sini Hakim Ketua: Sepertinya Anda mengalami masalah. Dredd: Perps tidak kooperatif. Juga pertukaran ini: Petani. Punya Wolverine yang kasar. Bisa dibilang begitu. X-Men: Hari Masa Depan. Wolverine mengingatkan Profesor X bahwa Kesabaran bukanlah pakaian terkuat saya. Kitty Pryde memperingatkan Logan bahwa kekuatannya mungkin sedikit menyengat, lalu dia menjerit di bagian atas paru-parunya saat dia mengaktifkannya. X-Men: Apocalypse. Paling pasti berlaku saat Wolverine terlibat. Bantuan kecil itu pada dasarnya melakukan semua pembunuhan untuk mereka. Nah, kamu sudah sibuk Scott. Kita mempunyai. Sedikit bantuan Di Avatar Setelah Grace Agustinus ditembak: Ini akan merusak seluruh hidupku. The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Saya ingin, jika saya bisa, membawa Anda pada perjalanan yang aneh. Aneh bahkan mulai menutupi apa yang terjadi pada Brad (ASSHOLE) dan Janet (SLUT). Tagline untuk Citizen Kane adalah Skywalker Anakinianya yang hebat dalam balas dendam Sith. Tepat setelah entri atmosfer merobek bagian yang lebih besar dari Tangan Tak Terlihat (kapal yang kebetulan terbang): Kami kehilangan sesuatu. Ini segera dilemparkan dengan Obi-Wans balas: Tak perlu khawatir, kita masih terbang setengah kapal. Pada Wanita dalam Masalah. Saat ditanya apakah shes perawan, porno megastar Elektra Luxx menjawab No. Michael Caine ada di The Daily Show untuk membicarakan film barunya Harry Brown. Dan sebuah klip diperlihatkan tentang Harry menyiksa seorang preman untuk informasi tentang pembunuh teman-temannya. Caine kemudian menggambarkan karakternya sebagai kesal. Di zoolander Karakter judul dihadapkan oleh Matilda tentang absennya misteriusnya selama seminggu, yang tidak dipercayainya. Lalu dia memeriksa pesannya. Mesin Penjawab. Anda memiliki dua belas ratus pesan baru. Zoolander. Itu sedikit di atas rata-rata. Forrest: menceritakan Beberapa tahun kemudian, pria kecil yang marah di pintu sekolah mengira akan menjadi ide bagus untuk mencalonkan diri sebagai Presiden. Dipotong ke cuplikan Gubernur Wallace ditembak Forrest: menceritakan Tapi seseorang mengira itu bukan. Narasi pembukaan film B-Film Apocalyptic Hell Comes To Frogtown menunjukkan bahwa beberapa tahun sebelum kejadian film terjadi perselisihan. Cue cuplikan ledakan nuklir. Primer. Pada titik ini, pasti ada beberapa. diskusi. Dari Clue. Mr. Hijau: Enam sama sekali Wadsworth: Ini mulai serius. Di Charlie dan Pabrik Coklat. Willy Wonka mengatakan bahwa kanibalisme tidak disukai oleh kebanyakan masyarakat. Di Dr. Strangelove atau: Bagaimana Saya Belajar Menghentikan Mengkhawatirkan dan Mencintai Bom. Jenderal Buck Turgidson mendapat beberapa di antaranya secara berurutan ketika dia memberi tahu Presiden Amerika Serikat bahwa Jenderal Ripper, komandan militer eselon yang lebih rendah, telah memerintahkan serangan nuklir ke Uni Soviet tanpa persetujuan atau pengetahuan dari Gedung Putih atau Segi lima. Ketika Presiden bertanya bagaimana General Ripper bisa memerintahkan serangan semacam itu, Buck mengatakan: Meskipun saya tidak suka menilai sebelum semua fakta terjadi, awalnya, penampilannya seperti General Ripper melebihi kewibawaannya. Presiden mempertanyakan bagaimana Tes Keandalan Manusia tidak menangkap Jenderal Rippers yang sedang mengembangkan psikosis: Baiklah, saya rasa tidak adil untuk mengutuk keseluruhan program karena tergelincir satu, Sir. Pendukung Buck mengikuti Jenderal Rippers memimpin dan meluncurkan serangan nuklir habis-habisan ke Rusia: Mr. Presiden, saya tidak mengatakan bahwa kita tidak akan merapikan rambut kita. Tapi saya katakan tidak lebih dari 10 sampai 20 juta terbunuh, atasan. Sebelumnya ketika Presiden berbicara dengan Perdana Menteri Soviet, dia mencoba untuk menggambarkan apa yang dilakukan Ripper. Salah satu komandan dasar kami, dia memiliki semacam - Nah, dia sedikit lucu di kepala. Kamu tahu. Hanya sedikit lucu. Dan eh, dia pergi dan melakukan hal yang konyol. Wizard of Oz. Toto, aku sudah merasa tidak lagi di Kansas. Sekali Waktu di Meksiko. Agen Sands dari CIA hanya matanya dibor dan ditinggalkan di jalan. Ketika seorang anak mendekatinya, Sands mengatakan kepadanya bahwa aku tidak punya hari terbaik di sini, Nak. Dunia yang Hilang: Jurassic Park. Ibu sangat marah Dari Serenity. Yang bagus dari Cuci: Saya tidak bermaksud membuat Anda khawatir, tapi menurut saya sedang diikuti. Kapal Reaver sedang dalam pengejaran yang sangat aktif saat ini. Dan kemudian theres ini: (setelah kehilangan bagian lain dari kapal) Cuci: Jika Kaylee tidak memberi kita beberapa aliran ekstra dari ruang mesin untuk mengimbangi burn-through, pendaratan ini akan menjadi sangat menarik. Cuci: Ya Tuhan, oh Tuhan, semua akan mati Steve Rogers: Anda tahu, terakhir kali saya berada di Jerman dan melihat seorang pria berdiri di atas orang lain. Kami akhirnya tidak setuju Petugas keamanan yang menemukan Banner setelah keluar dari Hellcarrier meringkasnya dengan cukup baik setelah diberi tahu bahwa dia bukan Manusia Alien. Amerika Sayap. Seorang tentara dari perang dunia kedua dengan sedikit pemahaman tentang sesuatu yang lebih kompleks daripada sebuah radio, menatap papan sirkuit saat mencoba membantu Iron Man memperbaiki pembawa heli yang rusak dan memberi tahu Stark apa yang dia lihat. Pangeran Stark: Apa yang terlihat? Seperti di sana Steve Rogers: Tampaknya berjalan pada beberapa bentuk listrik. Ant-Man sangat menyenangkan: Sebagai persiapan untuk pencurian besar di Pym Technologies, Hank Pym meminta Scott Lang untuk mencuri alat dari, sebuah gudang Stark tua. Said intel pre-dates Avengers: Age of Ultron 8212 Stark baru saja selesai mengubah gudang menjadi markas Avengers yang baru. Scott: Uh, guys Saya pikir kita punya masalah. Hank, tidakkah kamu bilang ini, gudang lama bukan? KAMU BANGSAT. Laba-laba pria yang luar biasa . Adegan Trailer yang Hilang memiliki Gwen Stacy yang memberi tahu Peter bahwa dia adalah orang yang diinginkan dan bahwa ayahnya memiliki 500 orang yang menemuinya, yang dia anggap ini tampaknya sedikit berlebihan. Dari film tersebut, kami memiliki Spider-Man yang terluka parah oleh The Lizard, lalu disiram pipa limbah. Jawabannya setelah semua ini Oh, itu tersedot. Frankenstein muda Dalam adegan yang telah dihapus, terungkap bahwa, untuk diizinkan untuk mewarisi kekayaan kakek buyutnya, Frederick Frankenstein harus menjadi seorang dokter medis atas kemauannya sendiri dan mendapatkan semacam penghargaan di ladangnya. Seorang kerabat kemudian bertanya apakah Frederick benar-benar memperoleh penghargaan dan diberi tahu sebagai ahli kelima yang paling dihormati di bidangnya. Di aliens Burke mencoba menjelaskan skema mematikannya saat aku membuat keputusan, dan memang begitu. salah. Itu adalah panggilan yang buruk, Ripley. Itu adalah panggilan yang buruk. Ripley segera memanggilnya keluar. Di akhir Bill amp Teds Excellent Adventure. Saat pasangan judul bertanya kepada Rufus apakah dia bisa memainkan gitar listriknya, katanya, Nah, saya bermain sedikit. Dan kemudian dia mulai bermain seperti bintang rock. Meski mengingat pada masanya musik rock adalah dasar keseluruhan masyarakat mereka, tingkat keterampilan ini bisa dianggap sedikit dibanding orang lain. Dalam This Is the End. Yunus dengan sangat tepat menggambarkan The End of the World sebagaimana Kami Kenali itu sebagai sesuatu yang tidak-itu-dingin. Bodoh dan yang lebih bodoh . Lloyd menyetir ke timur dan bukan di sebelah barat dalam perjalanan mereka ke Aspen, seperlima dari negara itu sebelum Harry bangun dan melihat-lihat mereka mengemudi melintasi dataran yang rata-rata, sehingga menghasilkan dua pernyataan yang meremehkan. Harry tidak mengambil yang kedua dengan baik: Harry. Hah. Saya berharap Pegunungan Rocky menjadi sedikit lebih rocker daripada ini. (Nanti) Lloyd. Jadi kita mengulangi anak laki-laki. Di awal tebing tebing. Zhuge Liang menyebutkan bahwa ia menemukan formasi bahwa Gan Xing sedang mengebor tentaranya agar kedaluwarsa, mendorong pertukaran ini. Yu Yu. Anda memiliki pengetahuan dalam seni perang Zhuge Liang. Hanya sedikit. Di Drum, Girls, and Dangerous Pie, orang tua dengan keras berdebat saat ibu melihat anak-anak menonton. Ibu. Tidak masalah. Ayahmu dan aku hanya sedikit bertengkar. Wellerisme - peledak biner yang digunakan Sam Weller dari The Pickwick Papers - terkadang dibuat dari Understatement and Parable: Sam Weller. Tidak ada yang menyegarkan saat tidur, Sir, karena gadis pelayan itu berkata sebelum dia meminum telur panggang dari laudanum. Sam Weller. Wery mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan pribadi, maam, saat perampok itu berkata pada wanita tua itu saat dia memasukkannya ke api. Petugas Adam. Saya selalu menjadi pengagum besar kemampuan Edenis untuk mengecilkan hati. Tapi saya pikir mendefinisikan sebidang tanah lima belas kilometer di seberang yang tiba-tiba terbang dan mengembara ke dimensi lain karena sedikit masalah mungkin adalah contoh terbaik. Si Edenis. Saya tidak pernah mengatakan sedikit pun. Di David Eddings Kaisar Tamuli Sarabian dikatakan oleh duta besarnya untuk menggunakan ini. Badai adalah angin sepoi-sepoi hilangnya separuh armadanya adalah ketidaknyamanan kecil yang akan segera runtuhnya dari kekaisarannya karena beberapa kerusuhan sipil. Ini adalah kecenderungan umum di kalangan Tamuls karena mereka memiliki kecenderungan rasial terhadap kesopanan yang ekstrem. Eddings memiliki kecenderungan untuk menggunakan trope ini. Di Belgarath the Sorcerer. Belgarath mencatat bahwa Alorns mengambil kesenangan kecil dalam pernyataan buruk setelah komentar Beltira kami tidak ingin hal itu berkaitan dengan akhir dunia. Contoh aslinya ada di Castle of Wizardry. Sekelompok kavaleri Algaria yang begitu besar sehingga membuat pendekatan mereka menyerupai guntur jatuh pada tentara kecil yang mengejar para protagonis. Membantai sebagian besar dari mereka dan mengemudi sisanya. Dijelaskan oleh Raja Cho-Hag sebagai pagi yang menarik. Left Behind. Mengatakan orang Israel terkejut karena mengatakan Tembok Besar China sudah lama. Dalam novel Spocks World. Kirk mengatakan hal ini tentang pengalamannya di Amok Time. Dicekik dengan anh-woon bisa merusak hari Anda. Inilah Jalan Dunia yang Berakhir oleh James Morrow: Bab 5 - Di mana Keterbatasan Pertahanan Sipil dieksplorasi dengan Cara Beberapa Pembaca Mungkin Menemukan Yang Mengganggu. Inilah bab di mana, yah. Lihat judul berdarah. Kupikir kamu sudah mati Saya kehilangan kesabaran, kata Daine Sarrasri. Dengan cara penjelasan untuk meratakan istana kekaisaran dengan SKELETON ZOMBIE DINOSAURS dan kemudian menetapkan hyena atas pelakunya. Kursi Perak. Dan kau. Yang telah memberitahuku seratus kali betapa dalamnya Anda mengasihani saya karena sihir yang dengannya saya terikat. Pasti akan mendengar dengan sukacita bahwa mereka sekarang berakhir untuk selama-lamanya. Ada, tampaknya, ada sedikit kesalahan dalam cara Ladycelia Anda dalam merawatnya. Pertimbangkan Phlebas oleh Iain Banks memiliki sejarah singkat tentang perang antar bintang yang telah ditetapkan novel ini. Bagian Statistik mengatakan perang berlangsung selama empat puluh delapan tahun dan satu bulan dan melihat (di antara kerugian lainnya) kematian lebih dari 851 miliar makhluk hidup, Dan penghancuran 91.215.660 kapal, 53 planet dan bulan dan enam bintang. Diikuti oleh perspektif Historis: Sebuah perang kecil dan pendek yang jarang terjadi di lebih dari 0,02 galaksi dan 0,01 oleh populasi bintang. Peradaban tua galaxys menilai perang Idiran-Budaya sebagai. Salah satu acara menarik yang jarang mereka lihat hari ini. Dalam versi baru Mobile Suit Gundam. Yoshiyuki Tomino menyebutkan bahwa Jepang telah secara teknis kalah dalam Perang Dunia II. Petugas Vox Gaunt s Vox Dughan Beltayn memiliki kebiasaan untuk menjelaskan masalah, dari gangguan Vox sampai kekacauan besar yang terjadi dengan sesuatu yang tidak biasa. Gaunt belajar memotong untuk mengejar dan bertanya apa yang tidak beres. Dari Rusia dengan Cinta. Seorang jenderal intelijen Soviet mengatakan bahwa jika mereka tidak melakukan sesuatu untuk mempermalukan intelijen Inggris, akan ada. Ketidaksenangan P. G. Wodehouse agak cenderung menggunakan meremehkan untuk efek humor. Mungkin contohnya yang paling sering dikutip: Tidak pernah sulit membedakan antara seorang Scotsman dengan keluhan dan sinar sinar matahari. Saat Jeeves mengutip Shakespeare. Bertie berkomentar bahwa orang Shakespeare pasti memiliki banyak hal yang cerdas untuk dikatakan, dan Jeeves menjawab: Saya mengerti bahwa dia telah memberikan kepuasan yang setara, Sir. Dibahas di Cetaganda oleh Lois McMaster Bujold. Dalam konteks berbicara tentang kampanye militer kecil yang tidak berhasil: Invasi Vervain sekarang secara resmi digambarkan sebagai petualangan yang tidak sah. Petugas yang salah telah diperbaiki, terima kasih. Apa yang mereka sebut invasi Cetagandan ke Barrayar di waktu kakekku? Sebuah pengintaian yang berlaku Ketika mereka menyebutkannya sama sekali, ya. Dua puluh tahun lagi novel Discworld Soul Music menampilkan bos kejahatan Troll yang kejam, Chrysoprase: Orang cenderung tidak berbicara dengan Chrysoprase jika mereka mengatakan sesuatu yang membuatnya menyinggung perasaannya. Mereka tidak akan tahu pada saat itu. Mereka tahu nanti, saat mereka berada di gang gelap dan sebuah suara di belakang mereka berkata: Tuan Chrysoprase benar-benar kesal. Dalam Splinter of the Minds Eye. Seperti contoh komik di atas, Lukas cenderung ke arah ini. Lampshaded oleh Leia sesuai dengan Prosa Ungu. Anda memiliki cara yang sangat menggugah ini tentang Anda, Luke, untuk mengurangi keadaan yang paling tidak biasa hingga yang biasa-biasa saja menjadi hal biasa. Lukas bertahan pada kecenderungan ini selama beberapa dekade. Dalam Nasib Jedi seseorang mengatakan sepertinya hes membuat pernyataan yang meremehkan tahun ini. G. K. Chesterton s poem Wine and Water berisi permata ini: Katarak tebing surga jatuh menyilaukan dari tepi jurang Seolah-olah akan membasuh bintang saat busa turun ke wastafel. Tujuh langit menderu turun ke tenggorokan neraka untuk diminum, Dan Nuh mengedipkan matanya dan berkata, Sepertinya hujan, kurasa. Jika Anda ingin melakukan kontak pertama dengan ras alien yang cerdas, kata Cantabrigia Five, menjatuhkan robot penambangan strip besar ke tanah air mereka mungkin bukan langkah terbaik Anda. Yang singkat di BattleTech Expanded Universe novel Assumption of Risk, di mana Galen Cox diminta untuk menggambarkan duel kehormatan Solaris dadakan yang dia hadapi, melawan dua Nama Kecil, Mekanika Big Ego di samping Kai Allard Liao. Dalam pertarungan tersebut, dia telah melompati Tentara Salibnya dan menyingkirkan yang terkecil dan paling rapuh dari keempat Mechs yang mengambil bagian dalam duel8212 antara dua musuh bersenjata berat Assault Mechs, mendarat di sebuah panggung yang ditinggikan hampir lima meter (yang kira-kira lebar milik Tentara Salibnya ). Dia melanjutkan untuk menggambarkan pilihan posisinya sebagai agak sempit dan sedikit hangat. Di Edgedancer. Ketika Nales Absurdly Sharp Blade membanting ke arahnya dengan kekuatan penuh, reaksi yang hanya bisa dilakukan adalah ow. Di satu sisi, dia adalah Absurdly Sharp Blade sendiri, dan Like Can not Cut Like. Di sisi lain, kekuatan penuh sangat berarti saat orang yang mengosongkannya adalah Angkatan Darat Satu Orang. Di The Witchlands. Setelah Aeduen benar-benar kehilangan akal saat berhadapan dengan api besar, dia berkomentar dalam narasi yang dimilikinya. Membuatnya tidak tenang. Wesley: (untuk Angel) mungkin saya telah membuat kesalahan kecil. Kata Shanshu yang saya katakan berarti Anda akan mati Sebenarnya saya pikir itu berarti Anda akan hidup. Cordelia: Oke, seperti kesalahan kecil. Bukan dari TripAdvisor LLC. Mengenai karakter Burn Pemberitahuan siapa yang mencoba memeras Michael Westen untuk bergabung dengan psikopat untuk melakukan 46 pembunuhan terpisah, dan sudah memiliki rencana untuk membingkai orang lain untuk mereka: Larry. Orang itu. Hes jenis penis. Di talk show Charlie Roses, Bill Gates menggambarkan kenaikan saham Microsoft selama 14 tahun itu sedikit menyenangkan. Perang Pemburu Segala Sesuatu di Gereja Baptis Westboro. Mengikuti sebuah klip pendek dari khotbah homofobia yang terkenal oleh pemimpin Gereja Baptis Westboro Fred Phelps, yang disampaikan tiga hari setelah 11 September. Saya tidak tahu apakah Anda telah mengangkat tema ini, tapi orang-orang ini sedikit anti-gay. Dokter . Saya tidak mencoba bersikap kasar - tapi Anda meninggal. Rory. Ya. Aku tahu. Aku disana. Dokter . (Gerak-gerik dengan liar) Bagaimana Anda bisa berada di sini Rory. Saya tidak tahu. Its sedikit kabur. Rory. Saya meninggal, dan berubah menjadi Romawi. Its sangat mengganggu. Boneka rumah Adelle reacts to learning that the Evil Corporation has the plans for a device that can Grand Theft Me the planet with Thats unnerving. Adelle is one of the queens of these. When a man gets shot in the head in her office, her initial response is an annoyed Well, I suppose this carpet is ruined. Firefly . Mal to Patience: Well, we may not have parted on the best of terms. I realize certain words were exchanged. also, certain bullets. (She had shot him). The opening narration from the Train Job, provided by Book: The central planets formed the Alliance and decided all the planets had to join under their rule. intercuts with footage from the Battle of Serenity There was some disagreement on the matter. In Safe Mal says of River: She makes things not be smooth. Friday Night Fights . ESPNs Teddy Atlas frequently uses he got a little bit careless to describe a fighter who has just been spectacularly knocked out (or you can see his power a little bit on that punch for the victorious fighter). Hannah Montana usually answers such a line with, Ya think The very first scene in How I Met Your Mother. Jeeves and Wooster . Jeeves might be said to lightly indulge in this on occasion. In the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode spoofing Manos The Hands of Fate 8212 a particularly bad movie, even by MST3K standards 8212 Tom Servo says, You know, there are certain flaws in this film. Dr. K from Power Rangers RPM . in the episode In Or Out, when she tries to apologize to the Rangers for behaving so coldly towards them. Also makes for a Crowning Moment of Funny. Dr. K . Gem and Gemma have confronted me with the possibility that in an effort to protect myself from future emotional trauma, I may have treated some of you with a degree of forced emotional detachment, perhaps even bordering on coldness. Flynn . Bordering on coldness, you say Summer sarcastically: Thats ridiculous, Doctor. Dillon sarcastically: You must be imagining it. Dr. K . No, no, Im afraid its true. The official description for Prillitoos . a program aimed for older people, states that it awaits those who arent very young anymore, to watch this program. Red Dwarf . Demons and Angels has this gem from the psychopathic, Creepy Crossdresser version of Rimmer: Rimmer: I want to hurt you. Lister: Why Rimmer: Because Im not a very nice person. After the future Rimmer mentions they spend time with the Hitlers and the Goerings: Future Rimmer: Its just a bit unfortunate that the finest things tend to be in the possession of people who are judged to be a bit dodgy. Kryten: Herman Goering is a bit dodgy Rome has Octavius explaining why it might be better to sit out a long siege rather than burn down Cleopatras palace:We are trying to keep the locals calm. Burning down the royal palace with their queen still inside might make them slightly peevish. The Shield had Claudette, having destroyed Vic Mackeys life by exposing his sins to his fellow cops PLUS his betrayal of his last remaining friend Ronnie (who was arrested), banished Vic for life from the Farmington District Precinct with the four following words: You Can Go Now. Star Trek The Apple when Spock is injured: McCoy: Second degree burns. Not serious but I bet they smart. Spock: Doctor, you have an unsurpassed talent for understatement. Star Trek episode I, Mudd has this excellent exchange Mudd: Well of course I. left. Kirk: He broke jail. Mudd: I borrowed transportation. Kirk: He stole a ship Mudd: The patrol reacted hostilely. Kirk: They FIRED at him Mudd: Theyve no respect for private property They damaged the bloody spaceship Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Peak Performance, the crew of the Enterprise comes up with a plan to make it seem as though they have destroyed the Hathaway by firing photon torpedoes at it and detonating them a millisecond after the Hathaway jumps to warp. The problem is, they dont know whether or not the Hathaway will be able to do this. Data describes the outcome of a failure to jump to warp as unfortunate. In the episode Clues . everyone of the crew except Data are knocked out by a wormhole. Data claims they were out for thirty seconds. Eventually overwhelming evidence surfaces that conflicts with Datas version of events. Captain Picard confronts Data: Data: It is a mystery, sir. Picard: That is an understatement Played on The Vampire Diaries . Hm-m-m, do you want to know how Damon became such a bad man Just ask him:Damon In all this important soul-searching. And cleansing of the demons of Stefans past, did you ever manage to get the rest of the story Elena He said there was more. Damon Yeah. Thats an understatement. Occasionally played on Top Gear . One example comes from the episode where they take a trio of Alfa Romeos to the track. Richard (in the pits) radios Jeremy to see how hes doing. Jeremy replies that hes doing Not brilliantly. Cut to Jeremys car flipped onto its side. Whenever some one says Thats not gone well its usually caught fire or crashed. Or both. (Theres even a poster ) In the Botswana episode, Richard claims his car has got a bit of water in it. He says this while watching Oliver drown in a lake. Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak to the shows first 361,000,000 winner, Michelle Loewenstein: You may be one of our bigger winners. (The previous winnings record being barely one-tenth of that.) In the Series 36 episode of Have I Got News for You guest Quentin Letts described Adolf Hitler as jolly cross. Ian Hislop: Jolly cross You mean homicidal maniac. Frank Skinner: I think that was the Daily Mails headline at the time. Hitler: Jolly Cross Death Valley Stebeck at one point phones his wife to tell her it was weird day at work. Only if having two attempts to blow up cops by planting bombs in zombies, followed by an attack on the precinct by over a dozen zombies and having to kill two cops who got bit qualifies as weird. Supernatural . In the episode All Hell Breaks Loose, Part Two (S02, Ep22). Dean sums up Sams return from the dead for Bobby. Dean: Well Sams better. In the episode Its a Terrible Life (S04, Ep17). Sam and Dean are watching a Ghostfacers video explaining that to dispose of a ghost, you have to dig up the corpse and burn it. Time Commanders in the Battle of Gaugamela, the team playing as Macedon gets Alexander killed. The historical experts are very calm when pointing that dying puts a hitch in Alexanders long term plans. At the end of The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill , John suddenly yells Ey, up Cue the opening bars of While My Guitar Gently Weeps . Similarly, on the same album, Georges One more time leads to a spooky string passage at the end of Piggies. The entire premise of the song Belaboring the Obvious by Spider Robinson. In their dark song Protect and Survive . The Dubliners mock an official nuclear attack survival guide that was issued by the British government in the 70s and 80s. The second stanza serves as one huge understatement. Well a nuclear strike could be recognized It would stand out in a crowd Theres a flash, then a bang, then a blast of heat And a bloody great mushroom cloud So if you happen to see one at the end of your street Would you please pick up the telephone and inform your local police Weird Al Yankovic s You Dont Love Me Anymore has a description to what the narrators mate has done (among other things, pushing the guy in an elevator shaft, putting piranhas in his bathtub and shaving his eyebrows). His response Got a funny feeling you dont love me anymore . John Prines Please Dont Bury Me includes the following line:When I got there, they did say, John, it happened this-a way: you slipped upon the floor and hit your head. The Cars. Its rather obvious that the singer of Since Youre Gone is one accord short of suicide, and the song ends with Since youre gone, the moonlight aint so great. Even the synthesizer has to burst out in tears. Arthur . What happened to the Earth Ford . Its been disintegrated. Arthur . Has it Ford . Ya. It just boiled away into space. Arthur . Listen, Ford, Im a bit upset about that. Warhammer 40,000 is not a happy place . This bleeds into the fandom so much that, on this very wiki, it has been remarked that such things as losing your home planet is not sufficient enough reason to Wangst. (This borders on canon. The members of the Tanith First-And-Only lost their homeworld, and often get told to Suck it up, already.) Exalted . Solar Exalted have poor impulse control. The World of Darkness . For gameplay purposes, nuclear weapons can be a game breaker . Romeo and Juliet . Mercutio is fatally stabbed in a fight with Tybalt. When Benvolio asks if hes hurt, Mercutio replies, Ay, a scratch ., then follows with, But tis enough, twill serve. when he realizes that hes dying. In a play where everything is overstated and exaggerated, his understatement shows us how bad the situation really is, making it that much more heartbreaking. In BlazBlue Hazama is forced to leave the heroes alive at the end of CS . His response is Guess I went a little crazy there. In Project Origin . Snake Fist comments that They took her (Almas ) babies away. She didnt like that. The official description of Cave Story says This is a jumping-and-shooting action game. In a cave. Also you can save. Also, Momorins Chivalry is dead, let me tell you after being thrown off a floating island. RuneScape gives us the description of the quest One Small Favor (a quest thats an infuriatingly long Chain of Deals ): Quest Length: Short (With some longer parts as well.) When Metal Gear RAY is curbstomping an oil tanker into oblivion in Metal Gear Solid 2 . Snake says to Otacon This is bad. Metal Gear Solid 3 has this wonderful number from EVA (Snakes love interest), Not good. What makes this an understatement is that EVA says this after Ocelot (Snakes rival) had shot out the engine of the WiG with his revolver that she was piloting to get Snake and her out of Russia, Ocelot then jumps onto the plane and proceeds to engage Snake in a hand to hand brawl with Snake not having a gun to defend himself should Ocelot pull his out (which he does), all the while EVA is trying to keep the plane stable so it doesnt crash into the lake they happen to be over. Yeah EVA, of course your current situation is not good. The creator of Dwarf Fortress has said:The official Strategy guide for StarCraft has a picture captioned with:When a Nuke goes off, youll know it. Half-Life 2 . Prepare for unforeseen consequences. Five Nights at Freddys 2 . Hello Hellooooo Well, if youre hearing this, then chances are youve made a very poor career choice. MapleStory takes this to a logical extreme, and then some. Gelimer decides to make a tiny ship called Black Heaven. Thats right, its colossal. Its monstrous. Its inconceivable how its construction was even possible. It houses an army of evil robots. And how does it even hold itself in the air Oh, and to hit the point home, its first introduced in a Black Heaven cutscene: Flying next to it are more enemy ships, each fairly large, but tiny in comparison. Oh, and that tiny thing in the looming shadow of the Black Heaven Thats your airship . Jack in Mass Effect 2 has a doozy when shes telling Shepard of all of her various crimes, one of which is vandalism. When pressed she explains that by vandalism the Hanar mean she dropped a starbase onto a moon. and it was their favorite moon at that. Mordin, a slightly neurotic scientist, always analyzes every situation with scientific objectivism: Mordin: Trying to determine how scale-itch got on the Normandy. Sexually transmitted disease. Only carried by Varren. Implications unpleasant. In the Arrival DLC. after two games of the Reapers spouting nothing but boasts about their inherent superiority and the inferiority of all organic life, Harbinger finally lets slip that Shepard has gotten to him. In Portal . the mildly psychotic supercomputer, GLaDOS. also likes to understate things. GLaDOS: While safety is one of many Enrichment Center goals, the Aperture Science High-Energy Pellet seen to the left of the chamber can, and has caused, permanent disabilities, such as vaporization. Please be careful. GLaDOS: (later) As part of a previously mentioned required test protocol, we can no longer lie to you. When the testing is over you will be. missed. At first it sounds like GLaDOS just likes you so much that it is going to miss you, but listening to GlaDOs later line The Enrichment Center reminds you, that in the end you will be baked, and then there will be cake, you should know what to expect. GLaDOS: (even later) Due to mandatory scheduled maintenance, the appropriate chamber for this next testing sequence is currently unavailable. It has been replaced with a live-fire course designed for military androids. The Enrichment Center apologizes for this inconvenience and wishes you the best of luck. GLaDOS: (again) Although the euthanizing process is remarkably painful, 8 out of 10 Aperture Science engineers believe that the companion cube is most likely incapable of feeling much pain. GLaDOS: Please note that we have added a consequence for failure. Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official testing record, followed by death. In Assassins Creed II . Cristina Vespucci said of her cousin to a prospective employer of his: Try Amerigo out. I bet in a decade youll have named your shipping company after him. Biggest understatement of the century. In horrorsurvival RPG Koudelka . the text descriptions that you get when clicking on environments are often this. For example, in one room featuring a towering guillotine with a crimson-stained blade, blood-splattered walls and floor, and later a couple of corpses, both shot through the head and lying in pools of their own blood, you get this text: You see dried blood spots here and there. In Obscure 2 . after one character turns into a giant, mutated abomination, pins another character to the wall with a knife, and crushes the skull of another under his foot, his friends burst in and confront him with this line. Stan: Kenny. youve become a major jerk, man. In Deadly Premonition . Yorks ( well, Zachs ) greatest insult to the ultimate villain of the game, Forrest Kayson, who at that point has been revealed to be an inhuman demon who has corrupted the town, caused people to kill each other, inspired the raincoat killers spree and has just raped and murdered Emily. Youre one crazy guy. In Civilization V you have the option of choosing Fascism for your society. The last part of the historical description reads: This form of government was quite popular with certain states in Central Europe during the last century but other states didnt much like it, and it was ultimately abandoned after some unpleasantness. The Caretaker AI of WildStar claims he has developed certain instabilities that may occasionally cause him to be a sadistic psychopath. In Armored Core Verdict Day. after hearing the The Dragon s calm explanation of his motive, that is, to gather every strong Mercenaries, have them fight each other before killing the victor, as he is the Reaper, he is called out by your CO and Cool Old Guy. Fatman. Fatmans response to all that insanityFatman: You are not right in the head. Which had an even bigger understatement as a reply: J. And whats wrong with that In My Harem Heaven Is Yandere Hell . as Yuuya watches Sayuri blissfully eat his hair. he narrates calmly, Lately, Ive just been seeing all these new sides of Sayuri, and I dont mean in a good way. This is because hes been imprisoned by her for several days already, and even before that was Conditioned to Accept Horror. Red vs. Blue Revelation . Agent Tex is a bit of a badass. This was said during an epic beatdown being delivered by the aforementioned person to Red Team and Tucker. Strong Bad Email . In virus, Strong Bads reaction to learning the Compy has been infected by 423,827 computer viruses is That is not a small number That is a big number Mega Man . We have a slight problem. Theres about five million Robot Masters outside, and they all wanna kick my ass. (Beat Panel ) Alternate Mega Man . We may wanna work on your definition of the word slight. Jayden and Crusader . a comic supposedly grounded in reality has this one:Smic . The best part of Christmas used to be building the gargantuan robotic Father Christmas powered by atmospheric engine, who would duel with my brothers contraption for the right of the first choice of Faberge egg. Hannah . You had a strange childhood, Smic. This Freefall strip. Homestuck . You have a feeling its going to be a long day. Sluggy Freelance couples this with Oh, Crap in this strip. Eerie Cuties science teacher and Mad Scientist. Wilhelmina Twigitt. Her unique charm, unlike those Large Ham types, includes diluting occasional outrageous events with words like seems and nearly . One is used in the authors comments on Ears for Elves . After a long and unexpected hiatus, the webcomic updated with a page proclaiming simply, Soon. The author pointed out in her blurb beneath the image that there was a subtle hint to be found. Schlock Mercenary. Narrator: The Tinth-Philkra rosette, comprised of one natural world and two habitiformed worlds, eventually tripled the size of the Enireth biosphere, but not before creating a small tide problem. The phrase small tide problem is an Enireth epithet. In Darths Droids when Anakin is being tested for Jedi skills . he says several disturbing things like A cup, containing the blood of pointless sacrifice. Mace Windu comments that they might need to talk to Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan about it, to which Yoda says, A master of understatement, you are. xkcd . Up Goer Five is a diagram of NASAs Saturn V rocket described with only the one thousand most commonly used words in English. Much of the high-tech machinery and catastrophic consequences from their misuse or malfunction are not everyday prose. If it the thrusters starts pointing toward space, you are having a bad problem and you will not go to space today. Model Rockets from What If has a similarly constrained bit of Alt Text. El Goonish Shive . Noah and his guardian, Mr. Raven, are discussing Noahs schoolmate Grace. When Noah shares his theory that Grace is the one who killed Damien. Raven is incredulous. Raven: Were talking about the girl who ran out of my classroom crying after reading about World War II Noah: World War II was kind of a bummer. In Stand Still, Stay Silent . a little of this happens as Reynir gets told, then realizes on his own, that the food crate in which he hid was destined to a crew exploring the Forbidden Zone rather than the safe zone in which he was hoping to have a vacation of sorts. The fact that there is a high risk of a disease to which he isnt immune in said Forbidden Zone only starts to describe the implications of him ending up there. Nebula . Earth admits to Venus that Mars looks a little rough when shes just finished putting bandages over most of his face after it nearly cracked apart and the rest of his body is visibly injured in a similar manner. In this case, its due to forced optimism rather than snark. Dr. Horribles Sing-Along Blog. Freeze ray needs work. Thats. not a good sound. SCP-682 is somewhat volatile. Its page is named Hard-To-Kill Reptile . The Foundation naming scheme is fond of this. SCP-313 is called a Powerful Hand Dryer. When turned on, it emits a stream of plasma over four times hotter than the surface of the sun and proceeds to rocket around with enough force to drag a tank around. The Sturgeon Awards refers to the infamous fanfic Agony in Pink as not a very pleasant reading. The That Guy with the Glasses sketch How I quit my job ends on one. This after having played Also Sprach Zarathustra , ripped open his shirt revealing I QUIT written on his chest, and leaving to the end of Queen s Bohemian Rhapsody while being chased out of the building (and through the parking lot) by security:What have we learned today, boys and girls Boys and girls, we have learned that that bridge has officially been burned. The Nostalgia Chick. Heres the thing about rape: it sucks. Everyman HYBRID . The boys break Damsel out of the institution, but are caught by a security guard. Jeff bodily tackles him to give the others time to run. As Evan says, That escalated quickly. Its a bit late to hear this exactly from myself, isnt it This is the exact words from Frelean Maleau in the beginning of Chaos Fighters II-Chemical Siege after she confessed her love to Enrei before she dies. Atop the Fourth Wall . Linkara at the very start of his review of Pokeacutemon: The Electric Tale of Pikachu . Missingno. s a legend in game glitches and in particular Pokemon history. and apparently in some parallel universe, it spawned off into some kind of outer god that intends to consume and absorb all reality in every dimension. And its also standing outside my door. Yeah, its been a bit of a day. In the 200th episode, this happens:Linkara: If theres a single story that has hung over this show since the first episode, its One More Day . (This is followed by nineteen clips of Linkara referencingtalkingcomplainingraging about One More Day . which wraps up with him looking at an image of the book and growling I hate you ) Linkara: Yeah, I think I might have brought it up once or twice. Occurs again in the 300th episode. Linkara: You know, in three hundred episodes you may have picked up that Im not particularly fond of Frank Miller. (Next comes eighteen clips of Linkara talking about Frank Miller, including how hes gone insane, is a misogynist as well as generally creepy and that his writing and directing is terrible). Whateley Universe story Ayla and the Mad Scientist: Ayla is warning Lancer to keep Generator from getting sucked into a gravitational singularity and being horribly killed. Generator . That could be sorta bad. TV Trash. So, yes. Im not thrilled. Said after he blew his top over Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation and the crossover with Power Rangers in Space . In Noob . Sparadrap refers to the reason for which Master Zen stopped playing as him doing something silly. What actually happened was that Sparadrap got Master Zen angry enough to make him throw his computer out the window. While an old lady was under said window. Its a little hard for Master Zen to play from jail, apparently. And then the player and Walker do a bad thing. Yahtzees way of describing using white phosphorus on civilians. The developer commentary of the Five Nights at Freddys fan game One Night At Flumptys explains the reason the player is even at the eponymous Flumptys: Flumpty has kidnapped them and they are trapped in his nightmarish fun house. Success means you live to see another day. Failure means that your eyes are pulled out of your head and fried. Why does the egg-abomination Flumpty do this Because hes bored and wants to make friends by playing a game with them. The problem is that the game tends to involve terror, anxiety, and people dying horribly. As explained by the creator himself:Jonochrome: In my mind, the story of this game is that Flumpty kidnaps you and wants to play a game with you, and if you survive, you become best friends. Beat Flumpty does not have the best social skills. The entry for Isabella of France on Rejected Princesses includes a footnote about the fate of Hugh Despenser. Despenser was first dressed in a tabard with his family crest and paraded through town on the shittiest horse they could find. Then he was given a crown of nettles, had his skin roughly tattooed with biblical verses on arrogance and retribution, and dragged in a chest around town. Then he was stripped naked, half-hanged, and had his penis and testicles cut off which were then thrown into a large fire theyd built underneath him. He asked forgiveness of the bystanders, then let out a ghastly, inhuman howl and died. They split open his belly, cut out his heart and entrails, and tossed them in the fire. His head was cut off and sent to London, and his body sawn into quarters, each sent to the four next largest cities in England. He was not a popular man. Lex Luthor . We have a little problem. After Supermans apparent death in Hereafter, Wonder Woman explains Batmans absence at the funeral: He doesnt handle loss very well. Having your planet blown up could ruin your whole week From Jimmy on Ice Jimmy: I must have made a tiny miscalculation. (zoom out to reveal that Jimmy caused a second ice age ) Zuko . Thats rough, buddy. In The Drill, after the Fire Nations massive, incredibly expensive superweaponsiege-breaker is completely destroyed, Mai sums things up for the Fire Nation. Lucius . You may sweat a tad. Jimmy . You dont say (wrings his arms like a towel, causing a waterfall of sweat). The Powerpuff Girls . A worker at a nuclear power plant accidentally wipes his mouth off with a contaminated napkin, causing tentacles to sprout from his face. His response Hm. Well, thats no good. From Ed, Edd n Eddy after Jimmy lands in a sewer:Sarah: Ew, Jimmy You stink Nazz: Dude, Eddys brother is a real jerk. Ant-Man: Easier said than done, I take it. Mahr Vehl: I enjoy your species gift for understatement. Wilson: Someone has to count the votes, and The Delightful Children promised me a slice of their birthday cake next year if I. fudged the results a little. Numbuh One: Fudged They werent even on the ballot One episode of ReBoot has all of Mainframe infected with a bug that turns everyone and everything to stone that is, except for Hexidecimals lair, since it was her bug to begin with. Bob, the only one immune to the bug, storms Hexidecimals lair and, via zipline, kicks her right out of her throne. Hexidecimal: Funny. I sense a presence. A meta-example from Adventure Time . if the storyboard writers are any indication: The Lich King is Not Funny In the Teen Titans episode Nevermore Beast Boy and Cyborg get involved in a Battle in the Center of the Mind between Raven and Trigon. Beast Boy wants to know exactly what theyre up against. Raven: Lets just say I have issues with my father. In an episode of The Animals of Farthing Wood Kestrel accidentally killed Mrs. Fieldmouse and her reaction to finding out was How embarrassing This was played completely seriously. In the Goof Troop episode You Camp Take It with You, Peg describes an entire steak as much too big a bite for their small dog, Chainsaw. Not Without My Handbag . When Auntie comes Back from the Dead. Auntie: Walking the earth as a living corpse is probably in rather questionable taste. Odd: We-we cant be devirtualized. Ulrich: The scanners must be offline. What is going on around here anyway Odd: I have no idea, but weve got a real problem. Ulrich: Thats the understatement of the year. During a foreign trip in 1958, British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan referred to an incident as a little local difficulty. The incident was the resignation of the Chancellor of the Exchequer and two other finance ministers. Such high level resignations could have been enough to bring down his government. On the return journey from the South Pole in Captain Scotts expedition, Captain Oates was injured so decided to commit suicide to give his companions more chance. Suicide was - genuinely - easy, since he just had to leave the tent and quickly die of exposure. He announced his intentions with the words I am just going outside and may be some time. Well, not that easy, given that the tent was laced together tight with (frozen) ties to keep the drift out and Oates essentially had no working fingers. Some, like Sir Ranulph Fiennes, have speculated that it would have been utterly impossible for Oates to go outside on his own, and the friends who knew he was a goner regardless helped Oates on his way. Captain Eric Moody on BA Flight 009 said. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. Fortunately his efforts to save the flight met with some measure of success - all four engines restarted, and the aircraft landed safely. Some years later he remarked that It was, yeah, a little bit frightening. He isnt the only one, either. All airline pilots are told not to talk to the passengers about an emergency unless they know they can sound perfectly calm. Fictional reflections of this gave rise to the Danger Deadpan trope. When Australian Olympian Janine Shepherd appeared on TED talks she spoke about how her life changed after being hit by a truck during a bike ride, after cataloguing her injuries, including her spine being broken in six places she concludes: I was having a really bad day The NFPA diamond is a label giving a brief representation of the hazards of a substance. It is divided into 4 sections, with numbers 0-4 in them or special symbols. The blue section represents health risk, the red one flammability, the yellow one reactivity, and the white one reserved for special hazards like acid or oxidation. A handy guide for the number scale for each section lists yellow 4 as may detonate. This led to the following conversation with a supervisor: May detonate Under what conditions All of them. This rating is reserved for nitrogylcerin, nitrogen triiodide, chlorine dioxide, and similarly temperamental chemicals. We have had an anomaly. We just had an anomaly of the Delta 2 Launch Vehicle from Cape Canaveral Air Station. Statement from launch control regarding the aforementioned Delta 2 Launch Vehicle exploding spectacularly and raining debris and toxic fuel byproducts over several square miles. We have just had a major malfunction. The major malfunction was the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger 73 seconds after liftoff. In Japanese history, the Honno-ji Incident refers to the forced suicide of Oda Nobunaga by one of his retainers, as well as the burning of the castle he was in and the death of all his bodyguards. Nobunaga was in the final stages of reuniting Japan, and his death threw his forces into a civil war amidst the civil war. An incident, indeed. Japan seems to have a habit of calling events like this incidents. Imperial Japan had such minor events as the the Mukden Incident and the Nanking Incident Back in the early days of NASA, astronauts Alan Shepard and John Glenn witnessed the launch of an Atlas rocket (the machine that would be taking them into space). The rocket blew up a few seconds later. Shepard turned to Glenn and calmly said, I sure hope they fix that. British understatement nearly lost a major battle in the Korean War. Whilst being over-run by Chinese forces outnumbering his men nearly fifty to one, a British brigade commander reported to his American general that things are getting a little bit sticky here. He meant Wed quite appreciate reinforcements. The American heard the laconic unworried voice of his subordinate, and reasoned that the British had things well under control. Reinforcements only arrived very late in the battle, allowing the remants of a British regiment to withdraw undefeated. This site has a few tropes. Alternative Title(s): Putting It Mildly. Comedic Understatement. To Say The LeastUnderstatement Describing an atomic explosion as being somewhat noisy. A statement which, while technically accurate in a strictly literal sense, fails to convey the magnitude of the situation being described. There are many ways to use this. One common way is following the Rule of Three by having two strongly made points followed by something more casual. It may help to have a Deadpan Snarker who habitually presents things in the least exciting manner, especially if theyve Seen It All. The Ditz may make understatements unintentionally. In any case, understatement only works where a tension level has been built to go under. Note that like sarcasm. some people are completely blind to the effect. British and Australian humor occasionally demonstrates this. Please dont sinkhole this article in your own attempt at an understatement on the wiki. The attempt either works or it doesnt. openclose all folders Anime amp Manga In Dragon Ball GT . when Chi-Chi freaks out when Goku doesnt know about the Dragon Ball on his head. Gohans response: Gohan: She finally cracked. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS . The title character employs this often in her everyday speech. Telling her daughter Vivio that This is going to hurt a bit before blasting her with five Starlight Breakers at the same time is just one of many examples. Another infamous example: Shall I cool your head a little, which the title character uttered to a rebellious Teana before bombarding her into unconsciousness using her own spell. When giving a summary of the first season. Shamal said that Fate was going through some complications with her family at the time. Translation: Fates a clone and her mother was an abusive monster who manipulated her. Code Geass has Nunnally become a master of understatement with In the past, unfortunate happenings took place inside the Special Administrative Region of Japan . Unfortunate happenings meaning genocide . The Major from Hellsing sums it all up with this little declaration: My friends, it has often been said that I like war. He then spends about 5 minutes clarifying what parts about war he loves the best. Somewhere along the line the understatement wears off. Zelgadis, resident Deadpan Snarker of Slayers . is quite fond of understatement. In Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle . there was this small exchange between Mokona and Fuuma during a battle:Fuuma: It looks like my big brother-san is starting to take this seriously. Mokona: What happens if Seishirou gets serious Fuuma: Thats when things get just a little bit scary. Guts from Berserk tends to be fairly nonchalant about things that would send other people screaming for the hills. One instance stands out, though, when hes fighting in his pain-nullifying Berserker armor. After getting bitten by what is basically a possessed sperm whale, picked up by a tornado and dropped from a height of several hundred feet, and catching a burning main mast (that would normally take 12 men and a bunch of pulleys to lift) before it falls on his friends, he remarks, deadpan, Well, Im gonna be sore in the morning. In Fullmetal Alchemist . Mustang states this line while fighting Envy. Mustang Whats it like having the fluid inside of your eyes boil I imagine it might sting a little. State Alchemist: You were killed for disrespecting your superior officers orders. Kimblee: You could say that. or you could say I made women and children go boom. And when my superiors complained. Two good Mahou Sensei Negima examples. One, Tsukuyomi casually mentions to Fate that shes never gotten along with other people very well. Tsukuyomi only falls short of an Omnicidal Maniac in it For the Evulz because she lacks the power. Godel also sends Negi a brief note with a cheery smile about how their last meeting probably didnt go very well if hes reading this now. Godel just tried to chop Negis limbs off and made a huge wound in Asunas shoulder. In Digimon Tamers . one of the Digimon, which is shaped like a gear, does this a lot. Hagurumon: Its fantastic Its great. Nah, guess its okay. Hagurumon: (later) Its a disaster Its terrible Meh, guess its not that good. Reversed in Mobile Suit Gundam Abridged . when Char talks to Vice Admiral Dozle after one of Chars first encounters with the Gundam and reports back to Dozle (against his own will) and says the Gundam has 6 arms and eats people. Comes up in Naruto after Madara crashes Narutos battle with Tobi after having last been seen fighting all five Kage. Naruto . What happened to the others Madara . Who knows Theyre probably. not okay. cut to all five Kage lying in pools of their own blood Vinland Saga . After growing a massive pair of balls and deciding to become the Ruler of Northern Europe. Canute answers to the question where he would want to go To the military headquarters in Gainsborough. I will have a squabble with my father. In Black Lagoon . Dutch gets Rock to take care of their hostage with the following statement:Dutch . Rock, could you take over babysitting As you can see, not a lot of maternal instinct there. (in response to Revy opening fire on an unarmed child hostage) The first preview video of Kotoura-san . where Haruka interviews herself. she gravely downplays how she thinks of her telepathy powers. She at most says, I dont really want it, and uses her constant Dirty Mind-Reading from Manabe as an example. That is actually the least of her problems, particularly considering hes her first friend in nearly a decade. In an oversimplification, Harukas telepathic powers left her friendless, socially stigmatized and severely traumatized. In fact, she started to sweat profusely as the interview goes on and eventually she decides its too tiring to go on. Batman saying he knows hes not an easy person to know. Cue the dumbstruck look on the faces of the assembled Batfamily. Oracle . Baik. that s about the understatement of the century . Id say. A similar scene occurs in Watchmen when Sociopathic Hero Rorschach admits that its hard to be his friend. From some issue of some comic book written by some author:A vintage Whitney Darrow cartoon for The New Yorker magazine has a trio of robbers emerging from a bank with their loot, to face an encircling cordon of heavily-armed police, a swarm of press vehicles and about a thousand rubberneckers. One of the robbers: There must have been a leak. Eveys reaction to V blowing up the Houses of Parliament in V for Vendetta . But that. thats against the law Empowered . . guess th white capes might be underestimatin ol Willy Pete jus a lil bit less, next time around. Ultron. We would have words with thee. World of Fire has Leia delivering exposition about a Dug Too Deep situation, and saying that if The Empire got hold of whatever was at the bottom. Luke . It could be trouble Leia . Luke, I love your gift for understatement Transformers: More than Meets the Eye starts as it means to go on when Rewind, Ratchet, and Chromedome, intent on joining a sort of exodus quest, suddenly have Whirl and Cyclonus crash in front of them after the former tackled the latter off a cliff. Before Whirl can finish Cyclonus off, however, theres a sudden Energon explosion from the below, which knocks out Whirl, blows open a hole in the ground, and reveals a legless Tailgate, who has a panic attack after thinking hes killed Whirl and passes out. Rewind only has this to say. Rewind . This is turning into a very odd day. Used a number of times in With Strings Attached . but perhaps most famously when John enters the scene dragging Paul, who has been turned into a diamond statue: Lads, weve a bit of a problem. Turnabout Storm . Twilight refers to what Phoenix calls kidnapping me with your freaky spell as a minor setback. Twilight says that Trixie has a habit for running her mouth, which isnt that much of an understatement, but after spending 2 minutes with her, Phoenix thinks that running her mouth just doesnt cut it. Rarity says she got a tad annoyed waiting in the post offices line. She says this after her massive, loud rant about their service and their lack of pens. Phoenix: (A TAD. It sounds like you just had an aneurysm) As Im sure you know, Rachel, some dangerous times have come upon Middle-Earth. Elrond started. Understatement I muttered, and Elrond gave me a Look before continuing. The Twilight Child . Cadences reaction to a hurried recap of events by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, as Canterlot is invaded by Changelings which are being fought off by Celestia and Luna, while Discord is making it rain koala bears and pianos is simply to state: Thats unusual news. At one point in The Many Doors of Niu Heimar after Thor attempts to restrain him, Loki throws him so hard and far that a concrete sidewalk breaks as he lands. Thor claims Loki had reacted. Tony is also the one to hang a lampshade when Bruce describes the Hulk as an ailment. Tony: Youre like an expert at the understatement, I like it. Films 8212 Animated Flushed Away . Terima kasih. For the lift. Warning: Rather Cold written on a tank of liquid nitrogen. Hoodwinked . - when the Wolf watches Red Puckett fall several hundred feet from a moving cable car cabin, he summarizes it on his note-to-self tape recorder as, Ouch. In Tangled . Rapunzel rapidly shifts between elation at her new-found freedom and despair at the thought of actually having run away from her mother (actually her kidnapper, but she doesnt know that) several times. Flynn snarks You know. I cant help but notice you seem a little at war with yourself here. Theres this from Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker . where Batgirl calls Harley out for helping Jokers final crime. Harley: Ok, so he roughed the kid up a little . but Ill make it right. Roughed the kid up a little being the Joker torturing Robin to the point of complete insanity . Pinocchio . In response to Monstros gigantic sneeze. Jiminy Cricket: Gesundheit Frozen . After Elsa is outed as a sorceress and runs away, accidentally freezing the whole kingdom into an Endless Winter. this is combined with a Lampshading of Could Have Avoided This Plot. Anna: . Of course none of this would have happened if she had just told me her secret. Shes a stinker . The exchange between Big Bad Yzma and her Dumb Muscle Kronk in The Emperors New Groove when the poison (actually a potion ) they administer to the narcissistic Prince Kuzco doesnt quite kill him but instead kinda sorta, uh, turns him into a llama. In The Princess and the Frog . Louis the gator admits his wish to play trumpet for a human jazz band, leading to a flashback of what happened the one time he tried to do just that. Its a Cutaway Gag to Louis hopping onto a riverboat and immediately being chased off while dodging gunfire. Louis: (Stonefaced) It didnt end well. Films 8212 Live-Action Laurel and Hardy. In the short film Helpmates . Stan Laurel tries to help a desperate Oliver Hardy clean up after a wild party before the shrewish Mrs. Hardy returns home. One thing leads to another and Stan ends up burning Ollies house down. After a tearful apology, he caps it off by stating, Well, I guess theres nothing left for me to do. Ollie sighs with resignation and says, I guess not. Apollo 13 . . they wont know where theyre headed. Thats a bad way to fly. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade . After Donovan suffers one of the most nightmarish deaths ever after drinking from the wrong Grail, the Grail Knight has only this to say: He chose. poorly. Our situation has not improved . Ghostbusters (1984) - Crossing the streams would be bad . And earlier, just after annihilating a cleaning cart, Okay. Successful test. Ghostbusters (2016) . It is stated during the confrontation with the Big Bad that, once the portal to the Other Side is opened, the dead will return to pester the living. Erin points out that this doesnt sound so bad. The Big Bad clarifies that this pestering will take the form of torture, death and carnage. The Ghostbusters then remark that pester is a poor choice of words for what hes describing, and apocalypse would probably be a more fitting one. Chosen One in Kung Pow Enter the Fist confronts the Big Bad in the climax of the film with You killed my family. And I dont like that kind of thing. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street . Years ago, something happened up there. Something not very nice. In the trailers for the movie, this quote by Mrs. Lovett was used to refer to Sweeneys rather. bloody. killing spree. But in the context of the movie (and the play it was based on), it referred to Benjamin Barkers false transportation for life and would lead into the number Poor Thing, where we find out that Judge Turpin, after the above Kick the Dog moment, had his way with the guys poor wife. Harry Potter The Goblet of Fire . Harry . Come seek us where our voices sound. Hermione . The Black Lake, thats obvious. Harry . An hour long youll have to look. Hermione . Again, obvious, though admittedly potentially problematic. Harry . Potentially problematic When was the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione Hermione . Shes a little sensitive. After surviving a harrowing encounter with the Hogwarts Express: In Star Trek . Spock Primes assessment of the bastard who destroyed Vulcan because SP failed to save Romulus in the future . He is a particularly troubled Romulan. Leave it to Spock - any Spock - to be a master of understatement. From the same conversation: Kirk . So youre saying I have to emotionally compromise you guys. Spock Prime . Jim, I just lost my planet. I can tell you, I am emotionally compromised. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country had a couple regarding the destruction of Praxis. The first was Brigadier Kurlas response to Excelsiors offer of aid: There has been an incident on Praxis. The other was provided, once again, by The Spock. Two months ago a Federation Starship monitored an explosion of the Klingon moon Praxis. If you call being knocked off course and nearly shaken to pieces monitoring. Lampshaded in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier when Chekov warns Sybok (who has just taken a Klingon hostage, among several others) that a Klingon bird-of-prey is coming to Nimbus III: Sybok: I imagine the Klingons will be quite angry. Chekov: You are a master of understatement. They are likely to destroy the planet In the ending of Kill Bill . Bill explains his massacre of everyone attending the Brides wedding rehearsal by saying that he overreacted. Oh, and this little gem:Earl McGraw . It would appear someone objected to this union and wasnt able to hold their peace. In Gladiator . the Emperor says of his son, Commodus is not a moral man. Even he had no idea . Lampshaded in I, Robot . After the robot rebellion that the Properly Paranoid protagonist Spooner predicted starts, Spooner shows up an expert in robotics who dismissed his warnings before and says with grim satisfaction:You know, somehow, I told you so just doesnt quite say it. Galaxy Quest s Tech Sergeant Fred Kwan prefers these his reaction to being unexpectedly teleported 8 million light-years in a gel-pod to land on an alien ship was a subdued That was a helluva thing. In Dredd . at the end of the movie, the Chief Judge shows up to debrief Dredd on what went down at Peach Trees (including Gatling guns chewing up a block, taking out a major distribution and production hub for drugs, taking down one of the more powerful criminal organizations in Mega City One, a ridiculously high body count, and taking down four corrupt Judges ).Chief Judge: What happened here Chief Judge: Looks like you ran into some trouble. Dredd: Perps were uncooperative. Also this exchange:Farmer . Had a rough night Wolverine . You could say that. X-Men: Days of Future Past . Wolverine reminds Professor X that Patience isnt my strongest suit. Kitty Pryde warns Logan that her power might sting a little he then screams at the top of his lungs when she activates it. X-Men: Apocalypse . Most definitely applies when Wolverine is involved. The little help was basically doing all the killing for them. Raven . Well, youve been busy. Scott . We had a. little help. In Avatar . after Grace Augustine is shot: This is gonna ruin my whole day. The Rocky Horror Picture Show . I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey. Strange doesnt even begin to cover what happens to Brad (ASSHOLE) and Janet (SLUT). The tagline to Citizen Kane was Its terrific Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith . just after the atmospheric entry tore off the bigger part of the Invisible Hand (the ship he happens to be flying): We lost something. This was immediately lampshaded with Obi-Wans reply: Not to worry, we are still flying half a ship. In Women in Trouble . when asked if shes a virgin, porn megastar Elektra Luxx replies No. Michael Caine is on The Daily Show to talk about his new movie Harry Brown . and a clip is shown of Harry torturing a thug for information on his friends killers. Caine then describes his character as upset. In Zoolander . the title character is confronted by Matilda about his mysterious week-long absence, to which he doesnt believe. Then he checks his messages. Answering Machine . You have twelve hundred new messages. Zoolander . That is a bit above average. Forrest: narrating A few years later, that angry little man at the schoolhouse door thought it would be a good idea to run for President. cut to footage of Governor Wallace being shot Forrest: narrating But somebody thought that it wasnt. The opening narration of the Post-Apocalyptic B-movie Hell Comes To Frogtown exposits that some years prior to the events of the film there was a disagreement. Cue footage of a nuclear explosion. Primer . At this point, there would have been some. discussion. From Clue. Mr. Green: Six altogether Wadsworth: This is getting serious. In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory . Willy Wonka says that cannibalism is frowned upon in most societies. In Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb . General Buck Turgidson gets several of these in quick succession when he informs the President of the United States that General Ripper, a lower echelon American military commander, has ordered a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union without the approval or knowledge of the White House or the Pentagon. When the President asks how General Ripper could possibly order such an attack, Buck says: Although I hate to judge before all the facts are in, its beginning to look like General Ripper exceeded his authority. The President questions how the Human Reliability Tests didnt catch General Rippers burgeoning psychosis:Well, I dont think its quite fair to condemn the whole program because of a single slip-up, sir. Buck advocates following General Rippers lead and to launch an all-out nuclear attack on Russia:Mr. President, Im not saying we wouldnt get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than 10 to 20 million killed, tops. Earlier when the President is talking with the Soviet Premier, he attempts to describe what Ripper did.. one of our base commanders, he had a sort of - Well, he went a little funny in the head. You know. Just a little funny. And uh, he went and did a silly thing. The Wizard of Oz . Toto, Ive got a feeling were not in Kansas anymore. In Once Upon a Time in Mexico . Agent Sands of the CIA just had his eyes drilled out and left in the street. When a boy approaches him, Sands tells him Im not having the best day here, kid. The Lost World: Jurassic Park . Mommies very angry. From Serenity . is a good one from Wash: I dont mean to alarm you, but I think were being followed. A Reaver ship is in hot and very active pursuit at this time. And then theres this: (after having lost another part of the ship)Wash: If Kaylee doesnt give us some extra flow from the engine room to offset the burn-through, this landing is gonna get pretty interesting. Wash: Oh God, oh God, were all going to die Steve Rogers: You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everyone else. we ended up disagreeing. The security guard who discovers Banner after his exit from the Hellcarrier sums it up pretty nicely after being told he isnt a Human Alien. Captain America. a soldier from the second world war with little understanding of anything more complex than a radio, stares at a circuit board while attempting to help Iron Man fix the damaged heli-carrier and tells Stark exactly what he sees. Tony Stark: What does it look like in there Steve Rogers: It seems to run on some form of electricity. Ant-Man has a really fun one: as preparation for the big heist at Pym Technologies, Hank Pym asks Scott Lang to steal a gizmo from, an old Stark warehouse . Said intel pre-dates Avengers: Age of Ultron 8212 Stark has just finished converting the warehouse into the new Avengers headquarters. Scott: Uh, guys. I think we have a problem. Hank, didnt you say this was, some old warehouse Its not. YOU SON OF A BITCH. The Amazing Spider-Man . A Missing Trailer Scene has Gwen Stacy informing Peter that he is a wanted man and that her father has 500 men searching for him, to which he replies that this seems a bit excessive. From the movie, we have Spider-Man being pretty badly wounded by The Lizard, then being flushed down a sewage pipe. His response after all this Oh, that sucked . Young Frankenstein . In a deleted scene, it was revealed that, to be allowed to inherit his great-grandfathers estate, Frederick Frankenstein had to become a medical doctor on his own will and earn some measure of esteem on his field. A relative then asked if Frederick did acquire a measure of esteem and was told hes the fifth most respected expert on his field. In Aliens . Burke tries to explain away his deadly scheme as I made a decision, and it was. wrong. It was a bad call, Ripley. It was a bad call. Ripley immediately calls him out. At the end of Bill amp Teds Excellent Adventure . when the title pair ask Rufus if he can play the electric guitar, he says, Well, I play a little . And then he starts playing like a rock star. Although considering in his time rock music is the basis of their whole society, this level of skill might be considered a little compared to everyone else. In This Is the End . Jonah very aptly describes The End of the World as We Know It as something not-that-chill. Dumb and Dumber . Lloyd drives east instead of west on their road-trip to Aspen, across a fifth of the country before Harry wakes up and notices theyre driving across completely flat plains, resulting in two understatements. Harry doesnt take the second one well:Harry . Huh. I expected the Rocky Mountains to be a little rockier than this . (later) Lloyd . So we backtracked a tad. Early in Red Cliff . Zhuge Liang mentions that he finds the formations that Gan Xing is drilling his soldiers in to be outdated, prompting this exchange. Zhou Yu . You are knowledgeable in the art of war Zhuge Liang . Just a little. In Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie, the parents are loudly arguing when the mom see the children watching. Mom . Its okay. Your father and I were just having a little disagreement . Wellerism - binary explosive used by Sam Weller of The Pickwick Papers - was sometimes made of Understatement and Parable:Sam Weller . Theres nothin so refreshen as sleep, sir, as the servant girl said afore she drank the egg-cupful of laudanum. Sam Weller . Wery sorry to casion any personal inconwenience, maam, as the housebreaker said to the old lady when he put her on the fire. Adamist Officer . Ive always been a massive admirer of the Edenist ability to understate. But I think defining a chunk of land fifteen kilometers across that suddenly takes flight and wanders off into another dimension as a little problem is possibly the best example yet. The Edenist . I never said little . In David Eddings The Tamuli Emperor Sarabian is said, by his ambassador, to use this. A hurricane is a light breeze the loss of half his fleet is a minor inconvenience the imminent collapse of his empire as some civil unrest. This is a tendency common among Tamuls as they have a racial tendency toward extreme politeness. Eddings has a tendency to use this trope. In Belgarath the Sorcerer. Belgarath notes that Alorns take a petty delight in gross understatement after Beltira comments we wouldnt want that with regards to the ending of the world. The original example would be in Castle of Wizardry . A horde of Algarian cavalry so large as to make their approach resemble thunder falls on a small army that was pursuing the protagonists. slaughtering most of them and driving the rest away. Described by King Cho-Hag as an interesting morning . Left Behind . To say the Israelis were taken by surprise is to say the Great Wall of China is long. In the novel Spocks World . Kirk has this to say about his experience in Amok Time . Being strangled with an anh-woon can ruin your day. This is The Way The World Ends by James Morrow: Chapter 5 - In Which the Limitations of Civil Defense Are Explicated in a Manner Some Readers May Find Distressing. This is the chapter in which, well. look at the bloody title. I thought you were dead. I lost my temper, says Daine Sarrasri. by way of explanation for leveling an imperial palace with SKELETON ZOMBIE DINOSAURS and then setting hyenas on the culprit. The Silver Chair . And you. who have told me a hundred times how deeply you pitied me for the sorceries by which I was bound. will doubtless hear with joy that they are now ended for ever. There was, it seems, some small error in your Ladyships way of treating them . Consider Phlebas by Iain Banks has a brief history of the interstellar war the novel is set in. The Statistics section says the war lasted for forty-eight years and a month and saw (among other losses) the death of over 851 billion sentient beings, and the destruction of 91,215,660 ships, 53 planets and moons and six stars . followed by a Historical perspective:A small, short war that rarely extended throughout more than .02 of the galaxy and .01 by stellar population. the galaxys elder civilizations rate the Idiran-Culture war as. one of those singularly interesting Events they see so rarely these days. In the novel version of Mobile Suit Gundam . Yoshiyuki Tomino mentions that Japan had technically lost World War II. Ibram Gaunt s Vox officer Dughan Beltayn has a habit of describing any problem, from Vox interference to major Chaos incursion with somethings awry. Gaunt learns to cut to the chase and ask whats awry. In From Russia with Love . a Soviet intelligence general says that if they dont do something to humiliate British intelligence, There will be. displeasure. P. G. Wodehouse was somewhat inclined to the use of understatement for humorous effect. Probably his most oft-quoted example: It is never difficult to distinguish between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine. When Jeeves quotes Shakespeare. Bertie comments that that Shakespeare fellow must have had a lot of clever things to say, and Jeeves replies: I understand he has given uniform satisfaction, sir. Discussed in Cetaganda by Lois McMaster Bujold. in the context of talking small unsuccessful military campaigns:The Vervain invasion is now officially described as an unauthorized adventure. The erring officers have been corrected, thank you. What do they call the Cetagandan invasion of Barrayar in my grandfathers time A Reconnaissance in force When they mention it at all, yes. All twenty years of it The Discworld novel Soul Music features a ruthless Troll crime boss, Chrysoprase: People tended not to speak to Chrysoprase in case they said something that offended him. They wouldnt know it at the time. Theyd know it later, when they were in some dark alley and a voice behind them said: Mr Chrysoprase is really upset . In Splinter of the Minds Eye . just as in the comics example above, Luke tends towards these. Lampshaded by Leia in a fit of Purple Prose. You have this wonderfully evocative way about you, Luke, of reducing the most excruciatingly uncomfortable circumstances to the merely mundane. Luke hangs on to this tendency over the decades. In Fate of the Jedi someone says it looks like hes made the understatement of the year. G. K. Chesterton s poem Wine and Water contains this gem:The cataract of the cliff of heaven fell blinding off the brink As if it would wash the stars away as suds go down a sink. The seven heavens came roaring down for the throats of hell to drink, And Noah he cocked his eye and said, It looks like rain, I think. If you are going to make first contact with an intelligent alien race, said Cantabrigia Five, dropping huge strip-mining robots into their homeland might not be your best move. A brief one in the BattleTech Expanded Universe novel Assumption of Risk, where Galen Cox is asked to describe the impromptu Solaris honor duel he was just in, fighting two Small Name, Big Ego Mechwarriors alongside Kai Allard Liao. In the fight, he had jumped his Crusader 8212far and away the smallest and most fragile of the four Mechs partaking in the duel8212between two heavily armed enemy Assault Mechs, landing on an elevated platform barely five meters wide (which is about the width of his Crusader ). He proceeds to describe his choice of position as a bit narrow and a tad warm. In Edgedancer . when Nales Absurdly Sharp Blade slams into him at full force, Wyndles only reaction is ow . On one hand, hes an Absurdly Sharp Blade himself, and Like Cannot Cut Like. On the other, full force means a lot when the person dishing it out is a One-Man Army. In The Witchlands . after Aeduen completely loses his mind when faced with a large fire, he comments in his narration that it had. unsettled him. Wesley: (to Angel) I may have made a tiny mistake. The word Shanshu that I said meant you were going to die Actually I think it means that you are going to live. Cordelia: Okay, as tiny mistakes go. thats not one. Regarding a character on Burn Notice whos attempting to blackmail Michael Westen into joining forces with a psychopath to commit 46 separate murders, and already has plans in motion to frame someone else for them:Larry . That guy. hes kind of a dick. On Charlie Roses talk show, Bill Gates described watching Microsofts stock rise for 14 years was a bit fun. The Chasers War On Everything on The Westboro Baptist Church . following a short clip from a notoriously homophobic sermon by Westboro Baptist Church leader Fred Phelps, which was delivered three days after September 11th. I dont know if youve picked up on the theme, but these guys are a little anti-gay. The Doctor . Im not trying to be rude - but you died. Rory . Ya. I know. I was there. The Doctor . (gestures wildly) How can you be here Rory . Saya tidak tahu. Its a bit fuzzy. Rory . I died, and turned into a Roman. Its very distracting. Dollhouse . Adelle reacts to learning that the Evil Corporation has the plans for a device that can Grand Theft Me the planet with Thats unnerving. Adelle is one of the queens of these. When a man gets shot in the head in her office, her initial response is an annoyed Well, I suppose this carpet is ruined. Firefly . Mal to Patience: Well, we may not have parted on the best of terms. I realize certain words were exchanged. also, certain bullets. (She had shot him). The opening narration from the Train Job, provided by Book: The central planets formed the Alliance and decided all the planets had to join under their rule. intercuts with footage from the Battle of Serenity There was some disagreement on the matter. In Safe Mal says of River: She makes things not be smooth. Friday Night Fights . ESPNs Teddy Atlas frequently uses he got a little bit careless to describe a fighter who has just been spectacularly knocked out (or you can see his power a little bit on that punch for the victorious fighter). Hannah Montana usually answers such a line with, Ya think The very first scene in How I Met Your Mother. Jeeves and Wooster . Jeeves might be said to lightly indulge in this on occasion. In the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode spoofing Manos The Hands of Fate 8212 a particularly bad movie, even by MST3K standards 8212 Tom Servo says, You know, there are certain flaws in this film. Dr. K from Power Rangers RPM . in the episode In Or Out, when she tries to apologize to the Rangers for behaving so coldly towards them. Also makes for a Crowning Moment of Funny. Dr. K . Gem and Gemma have confronted me with the possibility that in an effort to protect myself from future emotional trauma, I may have treated some of you with a degree of forced emotional detachment, perhaps even bordering on coldness. Flynn . Bordering on coldness, you say Summer sarcastically: Thats ridiculous, Doctor. Dillon sarcastically: You must be imagining it. Dr. K . No, no, Im afraid its true. The official description for Prillitoos . a program aimed for older people, states that it awaits those who arent very young anymore, to watch this program. Red Dwarf . Demons and Angels has this gem from the psychopathic, Creepy Crossdresser version of Rimmer: Rimmer: I want to hurt you. Lister: Why Rimmer: Because Im not a very nice person. After the future Rimmer mentions they spend time with the Hitlers and the Goerings: Future Rimmer: Its just a bit unfortunate that the finest things tend to be in the possession of people who are judged to be a bit dodgy. Kryten: Herman Goering is a bit dodgy Rome has Octavius explaining why it might be better to sit out a long siege rather than burn down Cleopatras palace:We are trying to keep the locals calm. Burning down the royal palace with their queen still inside might make them slightly peevish. The Shield had Claudette, having destroyed Vic Mackeys life by exposing his sins to his fellow cops PLUS his betrayal of his last remaining friend Ronnie (who was arrested), banished Vic for life from the Farmington District Precinct with the four following words: You Can Go Now. Star Trek The Apple when Spock is injured: McCoy: Second degree burns. Not serious but I bet they smart. Spock: Doctor, you have an unsurpassed talent for understatement. Star Trek episode I, Mudd has this excellent exchange Mudd: Well of course I. left. Kirk: He broke jail. Mudd: I borrowed transportation. Kirk: He stole a ship Mudd: The patrol reacted hostilely. Kirk: They FIRED at him Mudd: Theyve no respect for private property They damaged the bloody spaceship Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Peak Performance, the crew of the Enterprise comes up with a plan to make it seem as though they have destroyed the Hathaway by firing photon torpedoes at it and detonating them a millisecond after the Hathaway jumps to warp. The problem is, they dont know whether or not the Hathaway will be able to do this. Data describes the outcome of a failure to jump to warp as unfortunate. In the episode Clues . everyone of the crew except Data are knocked out by a wormhole. Data claims they were out for thirty seconds. Eventually overwhelming evidence surfaces that conflicts with Datas version of events. Captain Picard confronts Data: Data: It is a mystery, sir. Picard: That is an understatement Played on The Vampire Diaries . Hm-m-m, do you want to know how Damon became such a bad man Just ask him:Damon In all this important soul-searching. And cleansing of the demons of Stefans past, did you ever manage to get the rest of the story Elena He said there was more. Damon Yeah. Thats an understatement. Occasionally played on Top Gear . One example comes from the episode where they take a trio of Alfa Romeos to the track. Richard (in the pits) radios Jeremy to see how hes doing. Jeremy replies that hes doing Not brilliantly. Cut to Jeremys car flipped onto its side. Whenever some one says Thats not gone well its usually caught fire or crashed. Or both. (Theres even a poster ) In the Botswana episode, Richard claims his car has got a bit of water in it. He says this while watching Oliver drown in a lake. Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak to the shows first 361,000,000 winner, Michelle Loewenstein: You may be one of our bigger winners. (The previous winnings record being barely one-tenth of that.) In the Series 36 episode of Have I Got News for You guest Quentin Letts described Adolf Hitler as jolly cross. Ian Hislop: Jolly cross You mean homicidal maniac. Frank Skinner: I think that was the Daily Mails headline at the time. Hitler: Jolly Cross Death Valley Stebeck at one point phones his wife to tell her it was weird day at work. Only if having two attempts to blow up cops by planting bombs in zombies, followed by an attack on the precinct by over a dozen zombies and having to kill two cops who got bit qualifies as weird. Supernatural . In the episode All Hell Breaks Loose, Part Two (S02, Ep22). Dean sums up Sams return from the dead for Bobby. Dean: Well Sams better. In the episode Its a Terrible Life (S04, Ep17). Sam and Dean are watching a Ghostfacers video explaining that to dispose of a ghost, you have to dig up the corpse and burn it. Time Commanders in the Battle of Gaugamela, the team playing as Macedon gets Alexander killed. The historical experts are very calm when pointing that dying puts a hitch in Alexanders long term plans. At the end of The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill , John suddenly yells Ey, up Cue the opening bars of While My Guitar Gently Weeps . Similarly, on the same album, Georges One more time leads to a spooky string passage at the end of Piggies. The entire premise of the song Belaboring the Obvious by Spider Robinson. In their dark song Protect and Survive . The Dubliners mock an official nuclear attack survival guide that was issued by the British government in the 70s and 80s. The second stanza serves as one huge understatement. Well a nuclear strike could be recognized It would stand out in a crowd Theres a flash, then a bang, then a blast of heat And a bloody great mushroom cloud So if you happen to see one at the end of your street Would you please pick up the telephone and inform your local police Weird Al Yankovic s You Dont Love Me Anymore has a description to what the narrators mate has done (among other things, pushing the guy in an elevator shaft, putting piranhas in his bathtub and shaving his eyebrows). His response Got a funny feeling you dont love me anymore . John Prines Please Dont Bury Me includes the following line:When I got there, they did say, John, it happened this-a way: you slipped upon the floor and hit your head. The Cars. Its rather obvious that the singer of Since Youre Gone is one accord short of suicide, and the song ends with Since youre gone, the moonlight aint so great. Even the synthesizer has to burst out in tears. Arthur . What happened to the Earth Ford . Its been disintegrated. Arthur . Has it Ford . Ya. It just boiled away into space. Arthur . Listen, Ford, Im a bit upset about that. Warhammer 40,000 is not a happy place . This bleeds into the fandom so much that, on this very wiki, it has been remarked that such things as losing your home planet is not sufficient enough reason to Wangst. (This borders on canon. The members of the Tanith First-And-Only lost their homeworld, and often get told to Suck it up, already.) Exalted . Solar Exalted have poor impulse control. The World of Darkness . For gameplay purposes, nuclear weapons can be a game breaker . Romeo and Juliet . Mercutio is fatally stabbed in a fight with Tybalt. When Benvolio asks if hes hurt, Mercutio replies, Ay, a scratch ., then follows with, But tis enough, twill serve. when he realizes that hes dying. In a play where everything is overstated and exaggerated, his understatement shows us how bad the situation really is, making it that much more heartbreaking. In BlazBlue Hazama is forced to leave the heroes alive at the end of CS . His response is Guess I went a little crazy there. In Project Origin . Snake Fist comments that They took her (Almas ) babies away. She didnt like that. The official description of Cave Story says This is a jumping-and-shooting action game. In a cave. Also you can save. Also, Momorins Chivalry is dead, let me tell you after being thrown off a floating island. RuneScape gives us the description of the quest One Small Favor (a quest thats an infuriatingly long Chain of Deals ): Quest Length: Short (With some longer parts as well.) When Metal Gear RAY is curbstomping an oil tanker into oblivion in Metal Gear Solid 2 . Snake says to Otacon This is bad. Metal Gear Solid 3 has this wonderful number from EVA (Snakes love interest), Not good. What makes this an understatement is that EVA says this after Ocelot (Snakes rival) had shot out the engine of the WiG with his revolver that she was piloting to get Snake and her out of Russia, Ocelot then jumps onto the plane and proceeds to engage Snake in a hand to hand brawl with Snake not having a gun to defend himself should Ocelot pull his out (which he does), all the while EVA is trying to keep the plane stable so it doesnt crash into the lake they happen to be over. Yeah EVA, of course your current situation is not good. The creator of Dwarf Fortress has said:The official Strategy guide for StarCraft has a picture captioned with:When a Nuke goes off, youll know it. Half-Life 2 . Prepare for unforeseen consequences. Five Nights at Freddys 2 . Hello Hellooooo Well, if youre hearing this, then chances are youve made a very poor career choice. MapleStory takes this to a logical extreme, and then some. Gelimer decides to make a tiny ship called Black Heaven. Thats right, its colossal. Its monstrous. Its inconceivable how its construction was even possible. It houses an army of evil robots. And how does it even hold itself in the air Oh, and to hit the point home, its first introduced in a Black Heaven cutscene: Flying next to it are more enemy ships, each fairly large, but tiny in comparison. Oh, and that tiny thing in the looming shadow of the Black Heaven Thats your airship . Jack in Mass Effect 2 has a doozy when shes telling Shepard of all of her various crimes, one of which is vandalism. When pressed she explains that by vandalism the Hanar mean she dropped a starbase onto a moon. and it was their favorite moon at that. Mordin, a slightly neurotic scientist, always analyzes every situation with scientific objectivism: Mordin: Trying to determine how scale-itch got on the Normandy. Sexually transmitted disease. Only carried by Varren. Implications unpleasant. In the Arrival DLC. after two games of the Reapers spouting nothing but boasts about their inherent superiority and the inferiority of all organic life, Harbinger finally lets slip that Shepard has gotten to him. In Portal . the mildly psychotic supercomputer, GLaDOS. also likes to understate things. GLaDOS: While safety is one of many Enrichment Center goals, the Aperture Science High-Energy Pellet seen to the left of the chamber can, and has caused, permanent disabilities, such as vaporization. Please be careful. GLaDOS: (later) As part of a previously mentioned required test protocol, we can no longer lie to you. When the testing is over you will be. missed. At first it sounds like GLaDOS just likes you so much that it is going to miss you, but listening to GlaDOs later line The Enrichment Center reminds you, that in the end you will be baked, and then there will be cake, you should know what to expect. GLaDOS: (even later) Due to mandatory scheduled maintenance, the appropriate chamber for this next testing sequence is currently unavailable. It has been replaced with a live-fire course designed for military androids. The Enrichment Center apologizes for this inconvenience and wishes you the best of luck. GLaDOS: (again) Although the euthanizing process is remarkably painful, 8 out of 10 Aperture Science engineers believe that the companion cube is most likely incapable of feeling much pain. GLaDOS: Please note that we have added a consequence for failure. Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official testing record, followed by death. In Assassins Creed II . Cristina Vespucci said of her cousin to a prospective employer of his: Try Amerigo out. I bet in a decade youll have named your shipping company after him. Biggest understatement of the century. In horrorsurvival RPG Koudelka . the text descriptions that you get when clicking on environments are often this. For example, in one room featuring a towering guillotine with a crimson-stained blade, blood-splattered walls and floor, and later a couple of corpses, both shot through the head and lying in pools of their own blood, you get this text: You see dried blood spots here and there. In Obscure 2 . after one character turns into a giant, mutated abomination, pins another character to the wall with a knife, and crushes the skull of another under his foot, his friends burst in and confront him with this line. Stan: Kenny. youve become a major jerk, man. In Deadly Premonition . Yorks ( well, Zachs ) greatest insult to the ultimate villain of the game, Forrest Kayson, who at that point has been revealed to be an inhuman demon who has corrupted the town, caused people to kill each other, inspired the raincoat killers spree and has just raped and murdered Emily. Youre one crazy guy. In Civilization V you have the option of choosing Fascism for your society. The last part of the historical description reads: This form of government was quite popular with certain states in Central Europe during the last century but other states didnt much like it, and it was ultimately abandoned after some unpleasantness. The Caretaker AI of WildStar claims he has developed certain instabilities that may occasionally cause him to be a sadistic psychopath. In Armored Core Verdict Day. after hearing the The Dragon s calm explanation of his motive, that is, to gather every strong Mercenaries, have them fight each other before killing the victor, as he is the Reaper, he is called out by your CO and Cool Old Guy. Fatman. Fatmans response to all that insanityFatman: You are not right in the head. Which had an even bigger understatement as a reply: J. And whats wrong with that In My Harem Heaven Is Yandere Hell . as Yuuya watches Sayuri blissfully eat his hair. he narrates calmly, Lately, Ive just been seeing all these new sides of Sayuri, and I dont mean in a good way. This is because hes been imprisoned by her for several days already, and even before that was Conditioned to Accept Horror. Red vs. Blue Revelation . Agent Tex is a bit of a badass. This was said during an epic beatdown being delivered by the aforementioned person to Red Team and Tucker. Strong Bad Email . In virus, Strong Bads reaction to learning the Compy has been infected by 423,827 computer viruses is That is not a small number That is a big number Mega Man . We have a slight problem. Theres about five million Robot Masters outside, and they all wanna kick my ass. (Beat Panel ) Alternate Mega Man . We may wanna work on your definition of the word slight. Jayden and Crusader . a comic supposedly grounded in reality has this one:Smic . The best part of Christmas used to be building the gargantuan robotic Father Christmas powered by atmospheric engine, who would duel with my brothers contraption for the right of the first choice of Faberge egg. Hannah . You had a strange childhood, Smic. This Freefall strip. Homestuck . You have a feeling its going to be a long day. Sluggy Freelance couples this with Oh, Crap in this strip. Eerie Cuties science teacher and Mad Scientist. Wilhelmina Twigitt. Her unique charm, unlike those Large Ham types, includes diluting occasional outrageous events with words like seems and nearly . One is used in the authors comments on Ears for Elves . After a long and unexpected hiatus, the webcomic updated with a page proclaiming simply, Soon. The author pointed out in her blurb beneath the image that there was a subtle hint to be found. Schlock Mercenary. Narrator: The Tinth-Philkra rosette, comprised of one natural world and two habitiformed worlds, eventually tripled the size of the Enireth biosphere, but not before creating a small tide problem. The phrase small tide problem is an Enireth epithet. In Darths Droids when Anakin is being tested for Jedi skills . he says several disturbing things like A cup, containing the blood of pointless sacrifice. Mace Windu comments that they might need to talk to Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan about it, to which Yoda says, A master of understatement, you are. xkcd . Up Goer Five is a diagram of NASAs Saturn V rocket described with only the one thousand most commonly used words in English. Much of the high-tech machinery and catastrophic consequences from their misuse or malfunction are not everyday prose. If it the thrusters starts pointing toward space, you are having a bad problem and you will not go to space today. Model Rockets from What If has a similarly constrained bit of Alt Text. El Goonish Shive . Noah and his guardian, Mr. Raven, are discussing Noahs schoolmate Grace. When Noah shares his theory that Grace is the one who killed Damien. Raven is incredulous. Raven: Were talking about the girl who ran out of my classroom crying after reading about World War II Noah: World War II was kind of a bummer. In Stand Still, Stay Silent . a little of this happens as Reynir gets told, then realizes on his own, that the food crate in which he hid was destined to a crew exploring the Forbidden Zone rather than the safe zone in which he was hoping to have a vacation of sorts. The fact that there is a high risk of a disease to which he isnt immune in said Forbidden Zone only starts to describe the implications of him ending up there. Nebula . Earth admits to Venus that Mars looks a little rough when shes just finished putting bandages over most of his face after it nearly cracked apart and the rest of his body is visibly injured in a similar manner. In this case, its due to forced optimism rather than snark. Dr. Horribles Sing-Along Blog. Freeze ray needs work. Thats. not a good sound. SCP-682 is somewhat volatile. Its page is named Hard-To-Kill Reptile . The Foundation naming scheme is fond of this. SCP-313 is called a Powerful Hand Dryer. When turned on, it emits a stream of plasma over four times hotter than the surface of the sun and proceeds to rocket around with enough force to drag a tank around. The Sturgeon Awards refers to the infamous fanfic Agony in Pink as not a very pleasant reading. The That Guy with the Glasses sketch How I quit my job ends on one. This after having played Also Sprach Zarathustra , ripped open his shirt revealing I QUIT written on his chest, and leaving to the end of Queen s Bohemian Rhapsody while being chased out of the building (and through the parking lot) by security:What have we learned today, boys and girls Boys and girls, we have learned that that bridge has officially been burned. The Nostalgia Chick. Heres the thing about rape: it sucks. Everyman HYBRID . The boys break Damsel out of the institution, but are caught by a security guard. Jeff bodily tackles him to give the others time to run. As Evan says, That escalated quickly. Its a bit late to hear this exactly from myself, isnt it This is the exact words from Frelean Maleau in the beginning of Chaos Fighters II-Chemical Siege after she confessed her love to Enrei before she dies. Atop the Fourth Wall . Linkara at the very start of his review of Pokeacutemon: The Electric Tale of Pikachu . Missingno. s a legend in game glitches and in particular Pokemon history. and apparently in some parallel universe, it spawned off into some kind of outer god that intends to consume and absorb all reality in every dimension. And its also standing outside my door. Yeah, its been a bit of a day. In the 200th episode, this happens:Linkara: If theres a single story that has hung over this show since the first episode, its One More Day . (This is followed by nineteen clips of Linkara referencingtalkingcomplainingraging about One More Day . which wraps up with him looking at an image of the book and growling I hate you ) Linkara: Yeah, I think I might have brought it up once or twice. Occurs again in the 300th episode. Linkara: You know, in three hundred episodes you may have picked up that Im not particularly fond of Frank Miller. (Next comes eighteen clips of Linkara talking about Frank Miller, including how hes gone insane, is a misogynist as well as generally creepy and that his writing and directing is terrible). Whateley Universe story Ayla and the Mad Scientist: Ayla is warning Lancer to keep Generator from getting sucked into a gravitational singularity and being horribly killed. Generator . That could be sorta bad. TV Trash. So, yes. Im not thrilled. Said after he blew his top over Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation and the crossover with Power Rangers in Space . In Noob . Sparadrap refers to the reason for which Master Zen stopped playing as him doing something silly. What actually happened was that Sparadrap got Master Zen angry enough to make him throw his computer out the window. While an old lady was under said window. Its a little hard for Master Zen to play from jail, apparently. And then the player and Walker do a bad thing. Yahtzees way of describing using white phosphorus on civilians. The developer commentary of the Five Nights at Freddys fan game One Night At Flumptys explains the reason the player is even at the eponymous Flumptys: Flumpty has kidnapped them and they are trapped in his nightmarish fun house. Success means you live to see another day. Failure means that your eyes are pulled out of your head and fried. Why does the egg-abomination Flumpty do this Because hes bored and wants to make friends by playing a game with them. The problem is that the game tends to involve terror, anxiety, and people dying horribly. As explained by the creator himself:Jonochrome: In my mind, the story of this game is that Flumpty kidnaps you and wants to play a game with you, and if you survive, you become best friends. Beat Flumpty does not have the best social skills. The entry for Isabella of France on Rejected Princesses includes a footnote about the fate of Hugh Despenser. Despenser was first dressed in a tabard with his family crest and paraded through town on the shittiest horse they could find. Then he was given a crown of nettles, had his skin roughly tattooed with biblical verses on arrogance and retribution, and dragged in a chest around town. Then he was stripped naked, half-hanged, and had his penis and testicles cut off which were then thrown into a large fire theyd built underneath him. He asked forgiveness of the bystanders, then let out a ghastly, inhuman howl and died. They split open his belly, cut out his heart and entrails, and tossed them in the fire. His head was cut off and sent to London, and his body sawn into quarters, each sent to the four next largest cities in England. He was not a popular man. Lex Luthor . We have a little problem. After Supermans apparent death in Hereafter, Wonder Woman explains Batmans absence at the funeral: He doesnt handle loss very well. Having your planet blown up could ruin your whole week From Jimmy on Ice Jimmy: I must have made a tiny miscalculation. (zoom out to reveal that Jimmy caused a second ice age ) Zuko . Thats rough, buddy. In The Drill, after the Fire Nations massive, incredibly expensive superweaponsiege-breaker is completely destroyed, Mai sums things up for the Fire Nation. Lucius . You may sweat a tad. Jimmy . You dont say (wrings his arms like a towel, causing a waterfall of sweat). The Powerpuff Girls . A worker at a nuclear power plant accidentally wipes his mouth off with a contaminated napkin, causing tentacles to sprout from his face. His response Hm. Well, thats no good. From Ed, Edd n Eddy after Jimmy lands in a sewer:Sarah: Ew, Jimmy You stink Nazz: Dude, Eddys brother is a real jerk. Ant-Man: Easier said than done, I take it. Mahr Vehl: I enjoy your species gift for understatement. Wilson: Someone has to count the votes, and The Delightful Children promised me a slice of their birthday cake next year if I. fudged the results a little. Numbuh One: Fudged They werent even on the ballot One episode of ReBoot has all of Mainframe infected with a bug that turns everyone and everything to stone that is, except for Hexidecimals lair, since it was her bug to begin with. Bob, the only one immune to the bug, storms Hexidecimals lair and, via zipline, kicks her right out of her throne. Hexidecimal: Funny. I sense a presence. A meta-example from Adventure Time . if the storyboard writers are any indication: The Lich King is Not Funny In the Teen Titans episode Nevermore Beast Boy and Cyborg get involved in a Battle in the Center of the Mind between Raven and Trigon. Beast Boy wants to know exactly what theyre up against. Raven: Lets just say I have issues with my father. In an episode of The Animals of Farthing Wood Kestrel accidentally killed Mrs. Fieldmouse and her reaction to finding out was How embarrassing This was played completely seriously. In the Goof Troop episode You Camp Take It with You, Peg describes an entire steak as much too big a bite for their small dog, Chainsaw. Not Without My Handbag . When Auntie comes Back from the Dead. Auntie: Walking the earth as a living corpse is probably in rather questionable taste. Odd: We-we cant be devirtualized. Ulrich: The scanners must be offline. What is going on around here anyway Odd: I have no idea, but weve got a real problem. Ulrich: Thats the understatement of the year. During a foreign trip in 1958, British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan referred to an incident as a little local difficulty. The incident was the resignation of the Chancellor of the Exchequer and two other finance ministers. Such high level resignations could have been enough to bring down his government. On the return journey from the South Pole in Captain Scotts expedition, Captain Oates was injured so decided to commit suicide to give his companions more chance. Suicide was - genuinely - easy, since he just had to leave the tent and quickly die of exposure. He announced his intentions with the words I am just going outside and may be some time. Well, not that easy, given that the tent was laced together tight with (frozen) ties to keep the drift out and Oates essentially had no working fingers. Some, like Sir Ranulph Fiennes, have speculated that it would have been utterly impossible for Oates to go outside on his own, and the friends who knew he was a goner regardless helped Oates on his way. Captain Eric Moody on BA Flight 009 said. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. Fortunately his efforts to save the flight met with some measure of success - all four engines restarted, and the aircraft landed safely. Some years later he remarked that It was, yeah, a little bit frightening. He isnt the only one, either. All airline pilots are told not to talk to the passengers about an emergency unless they know they can sound perfectly calm. Fictional reflections of this gave rise to the Danger Deadpan trope. When Australian Olympian Janine Shepherd appeared on TED talks she spoke about how her life changed after being hit by a truck during a bike ride, after cataloguing her injuries, including her spine being broken in six places she concludes: I was having a really bad day The NFPA diamond is a label giving a brief representation of the hazards of a substance. It is divided into 4 sections, with numbers 0-4 in them or special symbols. The blue section represents health risk, the red one flammability, the yellow one reactivity, and the white one reserved for special hazards like acid or oxidation. A handy guide for the number scale for each section lists yellow 4 as may detonate. This led to the following conversation with a supervisor: May detonate Under what conditions All of them. This rating is reserved for nitrogylcerin, nitrogen triiodide, chlorine dioxide, and similarly temperamental chemicals. We have had an anomaly. We just had an anomaly of the Delta 2 Launch Vehicle from Cape Canaveral Air Station. Statement from launch control regarding the aforementioned Delta 2 Launch Vehicle exploding spectacularly and raining debris and toxic fuel byproducts over several square miles. We have just had a major malfunction. The major malfunction was the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger 73 seconds after liftoff. In Japanese history, the Honno-ji Incident refers to the forced suicide of Oda Nobunaga by one of his retainers, as well as the burning of the castle he was in and the death of all his bodyguards. Nobunaga was in the final stages of reuniting Japan, and his death threw his forces into a civil war amidst the civil war. An incident, indeed. Japan seems to have a habit of calling events like this incidents. Imperial Japan had such minor events as the the Mukden Incident and the Nanking Incident Back in the early days of NASA, astronauts Alan Shepard and John Glenn witnessed the launch of an Atlas rocket (the machine that would be taking them into space). The rocket blew up a few seconds later. Shepard turned to Glenn and calmly said, I sure hope they fix that. British understatement nearly lost a major battle in the Korean War. Whilst being over-run by Chinese forces outnumbering his men nearly fifty to one, a British brigade commander reported to his American general that things are getting a little bit sticky here. He meant Wed quite appreciate reinforcements. The American heard the laconic unworried voice of his subordinate, and reasoned that the British had things well under control. Reinforcements only arrived very late in the battle, allowing the remants of a British regiment to withdraw undefeated. This site has a few tropes. Alternative Title(s): Putting It Mildly. Comedic Understatement. To Say The Least

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