Perjanjian dan Formulir Subscriber Berikut adalah perjanjian dan formulir yang diperlukan untuk berlangganan layanan terkait Nasdaq dan bagian Secure Data and Secure Services dari situs ini. Petunjuk khusus tentang cara berlangganan setiap produk atau layanan, termasuk perjanjian dan formulir yang Anda butuhkan, terdapat di halaman Produk dan Layanan individual. Semua perjanjian dan formulir Nasdaq tersedia dalam format Dokumen Portabel (.PDF) atau format web. Untuk melihat dan mencetak dokumen PDF, Anda memerlukan perangkat lunak Adobe Reader. Pelanggan (sebagaimana didefinisikan dalam Nasdaq A. S. Services Agreement) harus menggunakan formulir permintaan yang relevan saat memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis kepada Nasdaq karena meminta layanan baru yang membatalkan layanan yang ada, atau mengubah layanan yang ada. Perjanjian Umum dan Bentuk Bureaus Bentuk Perjanjian Kesepakatan FINRANASdaq Perjanjian TRF Formulir Permintaan Port Formulir Permintaan Muka-Mundur Formulir Formulir Manajemen Resiko Pra-Perdagangan Formulir Pengaturan Perubahan MPID Formulir Layanan Aman Informasi Layanan Nasdaq hanya memberikan informasi yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas atau servis MPID tersebut kepada perwakilan yang ditunjuk Dipekerjakan oleh perusahaan yang telah diberi MPID, seperti yang didikte oleh kebijakan Nasdaq. FINRA TM Fasilitas Pelaporan Perdagangan TM dan TRF TM adalah merek dagang dari Otoritas Pengatur Industri Keuangan Produk Terkait Informasi KontakSlideshare menggunakan cookies untuk meningkatkan fungsionalitas dan kinerja, dan untuk memberi Anda iklan yang relevan. Jika Anda terus browsing situs, Anda setuju dengan penggunaan cookies di situs ini. Lihat Perjanjian Pengguna dan Kebijakan Privasi kami. Slideshare menggunakan cookies untuk meningkatkan fungsionalitas dan performa, dan memberi Anda iklan yang relevan. Jika Anda terus browsing situs, Anda setuju dengan penggunaan cookies di situs ini. Lihat Kebijakan Privasi dan Perjanjian Pengguna kami untuk rinciannya. Jelajahi semua topik favorit Anda di aplikasi SlideShare Dapatkan aplikasi SlideShare untuk Simpan untuk Nanti bahkan secara offline Terus ke situs mobile Upload Masuk Signup Ketuk dua kali untuk memperkecil tampilan Peta Jalan E-Commerce 2010 2016 sampai 2020 (FINAL VERSION) Bagikan salinan SlideShare LinkedIn Corporation ini 2017Baru di tahun 2017 Ucapkan Halo Dapatkan pertunjukan di jalan. Temukan siapa yang bergabung dalam konferensi dan mengapa. Siapkan kartu nama Anda Breakfast Club Mulailah konferensi dengan kopi, telur, dan aplikasi penjudi berjejer dengan baik. Gunakan platform pencocokan online unik kami untuk membuat koneksi baru, mengatur pertemuan dan menemukan solusi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Makan Malam dengan Start Up Night Start up terbaik dengan solusi teknis untuk industri kimia Temui lebih dari 200 HMi dan pembuat keputusan pengalaman pengguna pada satu platform ndash Dapatkan kesempatan untuk bertemu: CEOsCTOsVPsDirectors Senior. Sesi Multi-Touchpoint Pusat jejaring yang paling efektif dan paling informal untuk mencapai ROI - dialog pribadi, pertukaran langsung dan banyak kesempatan untuk mengoptimalkan jalur penjualan Anda dan untuk mengadakan pertemuan dengan Sesi Cafe Dunia Teratas Eksekutif Keynote Praktik Terbaik Tolok ukur Sesi Icebreaker Proyek langsung Evaluasi Pelatihan amp Lunch Sessions 25 Studi Kasus Hub jaringan paling efektif dan paling informal untuk mencapai ROI - dialog pribadi, pertukaran langsung dan banyak kesempatan untuk mengoptimalkan jalur penjualan Anda dan untuk mengadakan pertemuan dengan Sesi Cafe Terbaik Dunia Eksekutif Keynote Best Practices Benchmarks Sesi Icebreaker Evaluasi proyek langsung Pelatihan amp Sesi Makan Siang 25 Studi Kasus Harap aktifkan Javascript Strategi ManuChem Global Sesi Cafeng Dunia Dapatkan kesempatan untuk mendiskusikan tantangan dan masalah saat ini dengan peserta lainnya. Memindahkan antara 8 tabel topik yang berbeda yang berfokus pada topik yang berbeda dalam beragam rombongan peserta Mengembangkan strategi, jadwal pelaksanaan, studi kelayakan, kasus penggunaan bisnis yang spesifik Dapatkan solusi potensial dan pendekatan konkret untuk pekerjaan sehari-hari Anda Dapatkan kesempatan untuk mendiskusikan tantangan dan masalah saat ini dengan Peserta lainnya. Pindah antara 8 topik topik yang berbeda yang berfokus pada topik yang berbeda dalam beragam rombongan peserta Mengembangkan strategi, jadwal pelaksanaan, studi kelayakan, kasus penggunaan bisnis yang spesifik Dapatkan solusi potensial dan pendekatan konkret untuk pekerjaan Anda sehari-hari Harap aktifkan topik Kunci Javascript 2017 Business amp Strategy Sessions Bagaimana mengoptimalkan hubungan antara pemasaran, RampD, produksi dan pemeliharaan Bagaimana menyelaraskan pabrik perusahaan baru dengan tanaman tua di transaksi MampA Bagaimana meningkatkan kapasitas dengan cepat Hilangnya tanaman tanpa pengeluaran modal Berapa standarisasi antara tanaman diperlukan vs. berapa banyak Fleksibilitas apakah kita perlu waktu untuk memasarkan produk kita Apa tantangan dalam mengorganisir rantai pasokan berbasis risiko yang efisien di lingkungan bisnis yang kompleks dan cepat berubah pasar yang mudah berubah Bagaimana mencapai kesempurnaan kinerja bisnis yang sesungguhnya dengan kelincahan operasional Bagaimana simulasi kinerja mengemudi Dan bagaimana Untuk memberikan wawasan yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pabrik dengan solusi baru dalam keandalan dan pemeliharaan Di luar Lean - Manajemen Operasi Kelas Dunia (WCOM) ndash Apakah kita memerlukan lebih banyak atau kurang OPEX Apa aspek lingkungan dan lingkungan baru amp utama dan mengapa mereka penting? Untuk strategi jangka panjang Anda Lot ukuran satu dengan biaya yang identik ndash bagaimana yang bisa bekerja dan wow untuk secara dramatis mengubah biaya kompleksitas dalam industri proses Bagaimana mempersiapkan organisasi untuk transformasi yang akan datang yang terkait dengan 4.0 Bagaimana menciptakan model bisnis inovatif yang radikal Bagaimana Untuk menciptakan set baru Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) dan bagaimana mengubah bentuk organisasi Industri 4.0 membahas hal besar berikutnya untuk manufaktur kimia Dan adalah Industri 4.0 hubungan antara data dunia proses dan bisnis yang memberikan transparansi yang diinginkan dan memungkinkan untuk mengidentifikasi korelasi baru. Antara kedua dunia Mengoptimalkan Proses Manufaktur ndash Apa tantangan bisnis teknis amp Es untuk kontrol proses maju amp MES Integrasi di industri kimia Standardisasi di bidang otomasi: Surga atau Neraka Apa kasus penggunaan bisnis untuk analisis data besar teknik prediksi ndash dan bagaimana mengubah data manufaktur menjadi pengetahuan strategis Bagaimana memanfaatkan otomatisasi Untuk mengembangkan kemampuan pekerja untuk mencapai apa yang belum dilakukan Pencegahan kesalahan manusia, manajemen keselamatan tingkah laku, IO, Teknologi amp Antarmuka Mesin Manusia ndash Apa tantangan berikutnya untuk keselamatan dalam industri proses Proses Analisis Risiko ndash Bagaimana memperkuat komitmen kepemimpinan, meningkatkan efektivitas Prosedur dan mengatasi hambatan teknis dan manusia untuk mengoptimalkan pengiriman keunggulan ps Bagaimana Anda dapat mencapai Inovasi Pemeliharaan dan Aktiva yang Dioptimalkan dengan Nilai Apa keuntungan dari Open Process Automation (OPA) dan spesifikasi dan standar untuk proses yang terbuka, aman, dan dapat dioperasikan Arsitektur kontrol yang Anda butuhkan ICEBREAKER 19 Maret 2017 Meja bundar pada malam hari sebelum hari konferensi pertama. Icebreaker adalah jaringan informal pertama. Meja Bundar Icebreaker 1 Mengikuti Perbaikan Terus-menerus ke Tingkat Selanjutnya: Bagaimana Organisasi Dapat Diubah dengan Menciptakan Budaya CI Jani Saarinen Manajer Senior, Kepala Proses Hubungan Eksternal, Kemira Oyj Apa nilai Perbaikan Terus-menerus bagi perusahaan-perusahaan di lingkungan yang kompetitif? Proses apa di dalam perusahaan Anda, gagasan CI dapat diterapkan Bagaimana seharusnya CI diimplementasikan ke dalam struktur companyrsquos sebuah proses untuk memastikan kemajuan terbaik Bagaimana Anda melihat CI secara pribadi, dan bagaimana perusahaan Anda: Dapatkah CI direncanakan Apakah ini sebuah pemaksaan Atau pola pikir Di mana pemecahan masalah berakhir dan CI dimulai Dapatkah seseorang belajar melakukan CI Apa yang dapat memotivasi orang untuk melakukan CI, atau, lebih baik lagi: mengenali dan mengatasi potensi CI dalam bisnis harian mereka? Buletin Sosial Round Table 2 Mengikuti Mitos dan Mitos Ekstra Praktik dalam Memberikan Keunggulan Situs Dr. Sibylle Gruner Senior Global Technology and Asset Manager, BASF AG Continuous Improvement perlu dilalui oleh milisi ldquoextra Uo untuk mencapai efisiensi tingkat berikutnya Proses sekunder dan antarmuka pemasok menghasilkan potensi yang menarik Kompleksitas nyata dan yang dirasakan sering kali meninggalkan potensi ini yang belum dimanfaatkan Pergeseran paradigma: kemitraan strategis dengan pemasok utama membantu menutup kesenjangan Pengalaman dan Praktik Terbaik dalam memberikan Keunggulan Situs Ioklip Buletin 3 Keunggulan manufaktur Melalui kepemimpinan yang kompetitif: Bagaimana mencapai tujuan bersama dalam produksi, kualitas dan rantai produksi segitiga Thomas Schaffers Kepala Pengelolaan Perencanaan RMO Eropa, Keunggulan Operasional Pengarah Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH Segitiga ajaib: Kualitas Produktivitas Rantai Kualitas Faktor perubahan: Visi ndash Strategi ndash Kemampuan Ndash Increment ndash Resources Memimpin perubahan ndash Change Management and Sustainability Icebreaker Round Table 4 Operasi Intercontinental: Bagaimana mengidentifikasi peluang efisiensi dan penghematan baru melalui peningkatan operasi dan optimalisasi keberlanjutan rantai pasokan Dr. Stefan Matull Global PO Catalyst Operations Manager, INEOS Bagaimana perusahaan global dapat mengintegrasikan proses, sistem dan organisasi bisnis Asia-amp Eropa mereka Bagaimana seharusnya supply chain amp proses manufaktur dirancang dan dioptimalkan antara Asia amp Europe Bagaimana berkolaborasi lebih efektif dengan pemasok untuk memberikan tambahan Nilai dan inovasi sambil meminimalkan biaya Icebreaker Meja Bundar 5 Bagaimana memindahkan dari batch ke manufaktur terus menerus yang mengupayakan tantangan baru dalam mengoperasikan Christoph Kuhlmann Head of Fine Chemicals Industri, Honeywell Apa perbedaan antara manufaktur batch dan manufaktur terus menerus Membandingkan risiko secara terus menerus dengan kualitas pembuatan batch. Oleh kontrol ndash memanfaatkan berbagai jenis kontrol untuk memastikan kualitas Nilai rendah, volumersquo tinggi vs. nilai lsquoHigh, strategi volumersquo rendah Pascal van Putten CEO, VP Instruments Companies yang tidak memiliki program manajemen energi yang efektif pada akhirnya akan tidak ada lagi, seperti Anda akan mengungguli pesaing yang memiliki program semacam itu. Tanpa pendekatan sistematis, berdasarkan pengukuran energi sejati pada semua utilitas utama, manajemen energi tidak mungkin dilakukan. Seperti yang Lord Kelvin katakan: Jika Anda tidak dapat mengukurnya, Anda tidak dapat memperbaikinya. Dengan perangkat lunak pemantauan modern dan sensor yang tepat, pemantauan energi dapat diimplementasikan dengan mudah dan memberikan indikator kinerja utama yang penting bagi Anda. Selama presentasi 15 menit ini, kami akan memberikan demo live VPVision, sistem pemantauan berbasis web untuk udara bertekanan. Anda akan mendapatkan jawaban atas pertanyaan seperti: Bagaimana cara kerja VPVision Fungsi apa yang ditawarkan VPVision Sensor mana yang dapat dihubungkan ke VPVision Apa itu Return on Investment VPVision saat ini tersedia seperti pada solusi premis dan dapat dipasang langsung dari kotak. Waktu implementasi yang khas kurang dari beberapa jam (tidak termasuk instalasi perangkat keras), dan sistemnya terukur. Sistem pemantauan memberikan tampilan real time pada pengukuran. Dengan fungsi laporan otomatis, ini menghasilkan dan mengirim laporan PDF e-mail. Alarm dapat diatur untuk memberi tahu personil perawatan untuk melakukan tindakan pada waktu yang tepat. Exxons vision mengenai Open Process Automation (OPA) Spesifikasi dan standar untuk arsitektur pengendalian proses yang terbuka, aman, dan saling dapat dioperasikan Bert De Wilde Proses Pengendalian Proses Pengendalian Proses EMEA, ExxonMobil Engineering Europe Limited ExxonMobil harus mengganti persentase yang signifikan dari sistem kontrol pengaturnya di Penyulingan dan Bahan Kimia selama sepuluh sampai lima belas tahun berikutnya Berdasarkan program penelitian yang dimulai pada tahun 2010, ExxonMobil telah mengajukan solusi yang melibatkan arsitektur otomasi terbuka, aman, dan interoperable berbasis standar Solusi ini memanfaatkan transformasi model teknologi dan bisnis. Bahwa industri lain telah mengalami ndash terutama avionik dan telekomunikasi Saat ini, ExxonMobil sedang mengembangkan dua kegiatan paralel untuk mencapai visi. Yang pertama adalah aktivitas dengan Lockheed Martin untuk membangun sebuah prototipe sistem otomasi proses terbuka, aman, interoperable yang kedua adalah sebuah aktivitas. Dengan The Open Gr Oup untuk membangun kolaborasi berbasis konsensus berbasis di antara pengguna akhir, pemasok, dan system integrator yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan dan mempertahankan arsitektur berbasis standar Debottlenecking dan Optimasi Pabrik di Industri Kimia Cara Mengatasi Tantangan Shashank N. Shah Senior Principal Process Engineer, Arkema Inc. Pabrik debottlenecking ndash Apa peraturan yang membuatnya sukses Strategi dasar untuk mengoptimalkan produksi kimia Di luar pemecahan masalah - Mengembalikan pekerjaan dan pemecahan masalah dapat menjadi bagian dari upaya debottlenecking pabrik Teknologi Optimasi Pabrik Proses Perbaikan Terus-menerus Meningkatkan efisiensi, optimalisasi pabrik Konsumsi bahan baku, energi dan utilitas lainnya, utilisasi kapasitas, ketersediaan arus, peringkat keselamatan, daya saing dan profitabilitas antara lain Benchmark Industri Industri 4.0: Bagian dari Strategi Dr. Andreas Hampe Wakil Presiden Senior, Manajer Pabrik Teknis, Robert Bosch GmbH Industrial 4.0: Evol Ution atau Tantangan Revolusi untuk Strategi Pabrik Supplier Otomotif: Gambar Masa Depan Kepemimpinan Budaya dan Pengembangan Tim Proyek Strategis Menggunakan Industri 4.0 untuk Memperkuat Daya Saing Contoh untuk Revolusi di Logistik Tujuan utama sesi Cafeacute Dunia adalah untuk menghadirkan pemangku kepentingan industri di sekitar satu meja. Dengan memasuki percakapan terbuka dan kreatif tentang isu-isu kunci yang mempengaruhi semua, berbagi pengetahuan, gagasan dan wawasan, setiap orang memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih dalam mengenai tantangan dan solusi yang dihadapi. Untuk memperdalam interaksi, peserta diminta untuk memutar ke meja Cafeacute Dunia baru setiap 30 menit (sesuai dengan urutan tabel mereka yang ditentukan, diputuskan oleh algoritma berpemilik kami. Hasil setiap percakapan dicatat di papan putih dan tersedia sepanjang acara untuk Orang untuk melihat dan merenungkannya. Bagaimana hal ini diatur Berdasarkan teori kekuatan pengetahuan kolektif, peserta dibawa bersama untuk berbagi tantangan dan secara bersama-sama mendapatkan perspektif baru atau bahkan mengembangkan solusi untuk masalah umum. Peserta sesi Cafeacute dunia berkisar dari 12- 20 per tabel dan ditugaskan ke setiap topik berdasarkan perhitungan algoritmik sebelum acara. Tuan rumah (moderator, mungkin dengan moderator bersama) dari setiap meja bundar menyambut para tamu dan secara singkat mengenalkan pertanyaan tantangan atau proyek pilihan mereka. Setelah 30 menit , Peserta pindah ke meja berikutnya berdasarkan tatanan yang ditugaskan pada lencana nama mereka untuk masuk ke dalam diskusi baru. Pada awal Pada setiap sesi sesi Cafeacute World yang baru, moderator memberikan ringkasan singkat dari poin-poin kunci sebelumnya yang diajukan serta pertanyaan baru yang mungkin muncul. Ini menawarkan kesempatan untuk membangun diskusi secara terus menerus. Setelah acara berlangsung, semua materi rekaman diringkas oleh pakar sesi Cafeacute World profesional dalam sebuah laporan akhir yang dipublikasikan secara online dan dapat diakses oleh semua peserta. Sesi Icebreaker Sesi Icebreaker berlangsung pada malam hari sebelum acara dimulai. Ketika semua orang tiba di Berlin, kami mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dengan kami untuk beberapa jaringan awal dan memberi Anda kesempatan untuk menetap di atmosfer acara tersebut. Kaca di tangan, buat jalan di sekeliling meja bundar, berdiskusi dan berjejaring dengan para pembicara dan mitra bisnis. Kami mengundang Anda ke lokasi yang unik di jantung kota Berlin dan memungkinkan Anda mengenal peserta konferensi sesama peserta dalam suasana santai dan interaktif. Memecah es dan mendapatkan pertunjukan di jalan Bagaimana cara mengaturnya Moderator yang dipilih secara hati-hati sedang melakukan percakapan dengan topik hangat yang akan dibahas dalam beberapa hari ke depan. Tidak ada slide yang diperbolehkan Moderator akan mendorong diskusi terbuka dalam kelompok kecil yang menangani masalah utama yang dihadapi setiap orang. Semua peserta bebas untuk memilih dan masuk dan keluar dari percakapan yang lebih dekat dengan kebutuhan mereka. Pengalaman pertukaran dan diskusi didorong, memberi Anda puncak menyelinap ke dalam pelajaran belajar pada hari-hari konferensi berikutnya. Sebelum Sidang Icebreaker Berkoordinasi dengan direktur acara, moderator akan bersama-sama memutuskan topik diskusi yang relevan. Ringkasan singkat tentang apa yang akan dibahas di setiap tabel akan ditempatkan secara online sebagai bagian dari agenda acara. Pada Sesi Icebreaker Begitu semua orang berkumpul di tempat itu, sebuah pengumuman resmi akan mengenalkan semua moderator dan topik mereka. Peserta kemudian masuk ke meja pilihan mereka. Di meja, moderator memperkenalkan topik ini dan mengarahkan pembicaraan dengan pertanyaan yang bertujuan membahas berbagai gagasan, pendekatan, solusi, dan pengalaman bertukar pengalaman. Moto kami dari Sesi Icebreaker adalah: Semuanya mungkin Jika Anda ingin menggunakan flipchart, kartu diskusi, alat bantu visual atau hanya kata-kata dan gerak tubuh yang jelas Anda ndash merasa bebas Libatkan semua peserta secara aktif ke dalam pola pikir Anda dan hancurkan es Apa itu Challege Your Sesi Peer Kami ingin tahu siapa yang kami hadapi Apa kebutuhan pelanggan kami? Apa kekhawatiran mereka Tantangan spesifik apa yang perlu diatasi Beritahu kami semuanya: Tantang Teman Anda adalah konsep lokakarya inovatif yang memungkinkan peserta terlibat dalam pertukaran langsung dengan para ahli. Dari industri tertentu. Tujuannya adalah untuk mendiskusikan dan mengidentifikasi tantangan di dalam sektor serta masalah, kebutuhan dan solusi. Bagaimana pengorganisasiannya Berdasarkan fokus topik utama yang telah diidentifikasi sebelumnya, beberapa mata pelajaran meja bundar dirancang. Peserta mengambil bagian di meja bundar yang ditugaskan sesuai dengan topik ldquohot mereka. Moderator akan menerima pertanyaan inti peserta ldquohisrdquo yang dirancang dari topik ldquohot-topicrdquo mereka. Pertanyaan inti dan topik utama ini akan dituliskan di kartu diskusi yang akan diletakkan di meja bundar, sedangkan setiap peserta sesi harus memilih beberapa kartu. Di setiap meja bundar, diskusi dibuka. Moderator mendorong peserta pertama untuk membacakan keras kartu namanya dan menjelaskan pemikiran dan perspektifnya tentang hal itu. Peserta lainnya dapat bereaksi mengenai hal itu dan berbagi pendapat mereka mengenai hal ini atau melaporkan pengalaman pribadi mereka, membacakan kartu mereka setelah diskusi dimulai. Apa itu Lounge Start-Up Tahun ini, Startupbootcamp Barcelona - Data amp dan Data Industri Dunia sedang bermitra untuk membawa kedua dunia ini bersama di Lounge Start-Up. Startupbootcamp adalah Accelerator Nomor Satu di Eropa dan mengundang beberapa startup yang paling inovatif dan mengganggu di ruang Data amp IoT untuk datang, menyampaikan bisnis mereka, menceritakan kisah mereka dan bertemu dengan delegasi kami di Industri Hal Dunia. Untuk start-up, ini adalah kesempatan luar biasa untuk mendapatkan paparan global terhadap pengambil keputusan industri papan atas. Mereka juga menerima beberapa bimbingan yang tak ternilai dari para ahli kelas dunia dan bertemu dengan tim Startupbootcamp. Untuk delegasi Industry of Things World, ini adalah kesempatan untuk terhubung dengan beberapa perusahaan yang paling inovatif dan bergerak cepat untuk mengetahui teknologi baru, mengeksplorasi kemitraan dan investasi potensial dan mempersiapkan kolaborasi di masa depan. Jika Anda seorang delegasi dan ingin melihat penawaran penawaran dan pertemuan awal, Lounge Start-Up akan berlangsung sepanjang hari pada Hari 2, 22 September (dari pukul 08:00 sampai 18:00) di kamar A0506. Datang saja Jika Anda seorang startup dan ingin memanfaatkan kesempatan luar biasa ini, begitulah caranya: 1. Lengkapi formulir aplikasi Startupbootcamp Barcelona. 2. Saat Anda mendapatkan pertanyaan nomor 1, tunjukkan bahwa Anda ingin mengikuti Fast Track di quotBerlin IoT World IoT amp Data - 22 September 2015quot. 3. Kami akan meninjau aplikasi Anda dan menghubungi kami jika perlu mengetahui lebih banyak. 4. Setelah kami memilih semua startups, kami akan menghubungi Anda jika Anda termasuk salah satu dari 12 finalis yang beruntung. 5. Jika Anda diterima, Anda akan menerima dua tiket akses penuh untuk acara tersebut, kesempatan untuk mengajukan perusahaan Anda dan mengajukan pertanyaan dari delegasi dan tim Startupbootcamp dan sesi pendampingan satu-satu dari beberapa mentor hebat kami. Anda juga akan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan tim Data amp Timad Startupbootcamp dan mengajukan pertanyaan apapun tentang program ini. Kedengarannya bagus Isi formulir aplikasi sekarang, atau email Silahkan aktifkan Javascript untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Manajer Senior, Kepala Proses Hubungan Eksternal, RampD dan Teknologi, Kemira, Dezember 2009 ndash Today - Bertanggung jawab atas pengembangan dan pelaksanaan operasi dan proses RampD secara global di Kemira Oyj - Mengelola hubungan eksternal dengan mitra swasta dan publik (misalnya EU dan WBCSD) - Memfasilitasi Strategi Teknologi Global Lokakarya di semua segmen bisnis - Menjalankan praktik manajemen proyek (termasuk pengembangan perangkat lunak, pelatihan, pelaporan) - Bertanggung jawab untuk menerapkan alat Manajemen Portofolio Enterprise (EPM) Microsoft Enterprise di RampD. - Manajemen inovasi (termasuk front-end proses inovasi, analisis inovasi yang mengganggu, intelijen bisnis, manajemen proyek dan portofolio) - Berpartisipasi dalam pengembangan, peluncuran dan pengelolaan salah satu program penelitian lingkungan terbesar di Finlandia - Anggota Manajer Tim Manajemen RampD dan Teknologi , PricewaterhouseCoopers, April 2008 ndash Dezember 2009 - Bertanggung jawab atas inovasi dan operasi layanan teknologi di Finlandia - Penasehat lembaga kebijakan inovasi publik dalam isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan strategi inovasi dan inovasi kebijakan inovasi - inovasi inovasi termasuk inovasi terbuka, penurunan inovasi, Inovasi terdepan, perubahan dalam proses inovasi, inovasi teknologi tinggi dan rendah, dll. - Analisis industri menganalisis secara mendalam analisis industri, termasuk perusahaan dalam sektor industri, untuk mengidentifikasi isu persaingan saat ini dan yang sedang muncul, prospek pekerjaan, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Daya tarik investasi baru, benchmarking Pada basis regional dan global, dll. - Evaluasi peraturan dan kebijakan ndash analisis dan penilaian inisiatif peraturan, kebijakan dan program baru Ilmuwan Riset Senior, Pusat Penelitian Teknis VTT Finlandia, Juni 2000 ndash Maumlrz 2008 - Bertanggung jawab atas pengembangan bagian ilmiah. Penelitian teknologi inovasi dan teknologi di VTT. - Penelitian di bidang ekonomi inovasi, termasuk studi penelitian dan pengembangan industri, inovasi komersialisasi dan model bisnis inovasi, pengembangan teknologi manufaktur di Finlandia, dan studi yang terkait dengan kebijakan inovasi dan teknologi. Selain itu, ia memiliki keahlian dalam topik seperti kegiatan inovasi dan evolusi teknologi perusahaan dan industri, perubahan jangka panjang dalam sifat kegiatan RampD perusahaan dan pusat penelitian, dan juga berbagai masalah yang berkaitan dengan hak paten dan modal manusia. - Anggota tim manajemen di Joint Institute for Innovation Policy (JIIP) - Pengembangan perangkat lunak manajemen inovasi. Kandidat PhD, Universitas Lund, Januar 2001 ndash Januar 2005 - Program Doktor di Jurusan Sejarah Ekonomi. - Menulis dan mempertahankan tesis PhD quotInnovations dan Industrial Performance di Finlandia 1945-1998quot. ITEL Perbaikan Terus-menerus ke Tingkat Selanjutnya: Bagaimana Suatu Organisasi Dapat Diubah dengan Menciptakan Budaya CI Berapa nilai Perbaikan Terus-menerus untuk perusahaan-perusahaan di lingkungan yang kompetitif Untuk proses apa di dalam perusahaan Anda, gagasan CI dapat diterapkan pada Bagaimana seharusnya CI menjadi? Diimplementasikan ke dalam struktur companyrsquos sebuah proses untuk memastikan kemajuan terbaik Bagaimana Anda secara pribadi melihat CI, dan bagaimana perusahaan Anda: Dapatkah CI direncanakan Apakah ini pengenaan atau pola pikir Di mana pemecahan masalah berakhir dan CI dimulai Dapatkah seseorang belajar melakukan CI Apa Dapat memotivasi orang untuk melakukan CI, atau bahkan lebih baik lagi: mengenali dan mengatasi potensi CI dalam bisnis mereka sehari-hari Populasi global yang terus bertambah dan kelangkaan sumber daya menciptakan kebutuhan yang lebih besar untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak dengan lebih sedikit. Kami di Kemira bekerja sama dengan industri air intensif untuk mewujudkan hal ini. Kami menyediakan keahlian dan kombinasi bahan kimia yang disesuaikan untuk memungkinkan pelanggan meningkatkan efisiensi air, energi dan bahan baku. Kami menumbuhkan sikap yang bisa dilakukan, menyambut gagasan baru, dan berhasil dengan bekerja sama. Kami menawarkan peluang pertumbuhan profesional dan melibatkan semua orang dalam membangun masa depan perusahaan kami. Dr. Sibylle Gruner adalah Senior Global Technology amp Asset Manager untuk Proses Catalysts amp Technology dalam BASF. Sibylle memiliki 15 tahun pengalaman manajemen internasional di industri kimia. Dia bertugas di berbagai manufaktur dan peran bisnis. Di antara mereka, dia adalah manajer proyek untuk membangun pabrik manufaktur greenfield baru di China. Sebagai sabuk hitam enam sigma yang berpengalaman, dia melakukan banyak proyek perubahan dan pengoptimalan yang menghasilkan penghematan tahunan jutaan dolar. Melampaui Mitos Ekstra dan Praktik Terbaik dalam Menyampaikan Keunggulan Situs Perbaikan Terus-menerus perlu mengupayakan miliaran tingkat ldquoextra untuk mencapai efisiensi tingkat berikutnya Proses sekunder dan antarmuka pemasok menghasilkan potensi menarik Kompleksitas nyata dan yang dirasakan seringkali membuat potensi ini belum dimanfaatkan Pergeseran paradigma: kemitraan strategis dengan Pemasok utama membantu menutup kesenjangan Pengalaman dan Praktik Terbaik dalam Memberikan Keunggulan Situs Kami menciptakan chemistry untuk masa depan yang berkelanjutan Sejalan dengan tujuan perusahaan kami, sekitar 112.000 karyawan berkontribusi terhadap kesuksesan pelanggan kami di hampir semua sektor dan hampir di semua negara di dunia. Portofolio luas kami berkisar dari bahan kimia, plastik, produk kinerja dan produk perlindungan tanaman hingga minyak dan gas. Pada tahun 2015, BASF membukukan penjualan sebesar euro70 miliar dan pendapatan dari operasi sebelum barang khusus sekitar euro6,7 miliar. Kami menggabungkan kesuksesan ekonomi dengan perlindungan lingkungan dan tanggung jawab sosial. Melalui penelitian dan inovasi, kami mendukung pelanggan kami di hampir setiap industri dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat saat ini dan masa depan. Kami telah menyimpulkan kontribusi ini dalam tujuan perusahaan kami: Kami menciptakan chemistry untuk masa depan yang berkelanjutan. Direktur Bisnis Honeywell Desember 2015 ndash Hadir (1 tahun) Kepala Industri Fine Chemicals Honeywell Specialty Chemicals Seelze GmbH April 2015 ndash Desember 2015 (9 bulan) Kepala Manajemen Produk Global Honeywell Specialty Chemicals Seelze GmbH Maret 2011 ndash Maret 2015 (4 tahun 1 bulan) Manajer Pemasaran Strategis Honeywell Specialty Chemicals Seelze GmbH Maret 2009 ndash February 2011 (2 tahun) Manajer Implementasi Strategi (BU PUR) Bayer MaterialScience Mengembangkan dan menerapkan model bisnis untuk bisnis PUR Mengidentifikasi peluang dan tantangan strategis dan mendapatkan solusi Januari 2007 ndash Januari 2009 (2 tahun 1 bulan) Kepala Strategi, Perencanaan dan Peramalan (BU PUR) Bayer MaterialScience Mei 2005 ndash Januari 2007 (1 tahun 9 bulan) Kepala Perdagangan Global PM Bayer International Fribourg SA 2004 ndash 2005 (1 tahun) Kepala Global SC Controlling Bayer MaterialScience April 2001 Ndash Maret 2003 (2 tahun) Konsultan Senior Bayer AG 2002 ndash 2003 (1 tahun) Senior Con Sisten kepada RSC Bayer Polymer LLC 1998 ndash 2001 (3 tahun) Mahasiswa PhD Universitas Bielefeld Bagaimana memindahkan dari batch ke manufaktur terus menerus berjuang tantangan baru dalam operasi Apa perbedaan antara manufaktur batch dan manufaktur terus menerus Membandingkan risiko secara terus menerus dengan manufaktur batch Kualitas oleh Kontrol ndash memanfaatkan berbagai jenis kontrol yang berbeda untuk menjamin kualitas Nilai rendah, nilai volumersquo tinggi vs. nilai lsquoHigh, strategi volumersquo rendah Honeywell adalah perusahaan Fortune 100 yang menciptakan dan memproduksi teknologi untuk mengatasi tantangan berat yang terkait dengan macrotrends global seperti keamanan, keamanan , Dan energi. Dengan sekitar 132.000 karyawan di seluruh dunia, termasuk lebih dari 19.000 insinyur dan ilmuwan, kami memiliki fokus yang tak henti-hentinya pada kualitas, pengiriman, nilai, dan teknologi dalam segala hal yang kami lakukan dan lakukan. November 2014 ndash Hadir (2 tahun 1 bulan) Anggota Dewan, Rantai Pasokan DAW SE, Ober-Ramstadt 2010 ndash November 2014 (4 tahun) Kepala Supply Chain Global Beiersdorf, Hamburg 2008 ndash 2010 (2 tahun) Kepala Supply Chain Demand Side Beiersdorf, Hamburg Area, Germany 2005 ndash 2008 (3 tahun) Pengembangan SC Beiersdorf, Hamburg Area, Jerman 2003 ndash 2005 (2 tahun) Pengembangan Bisnis tesa AG tesa, Hamburg Area, Jerman 2000 ndash 2003 (3 tahun) CFO Asia Pacific Tesa, Singapura 1997 ndash 2000 (3 tahun) uji coba tesa tape, inc. Charlotte, North Carolina Area Coatings seperti cat dan enamel telah digunakan selama ribuan tahun untuk perlindungan dan dekorasi ruang keluarga. Dalam 120 tahun terakhir kita telah menjadi mapan sebagai salah satu pemasok terkemuka sistem pelapisan Eropa. Sekitar 5.600 karyawan bekerja dengan komitmen untuk mewujudkan visi kita hari ini menjadi kenyataan masa depan, dan mereka melanjutkan tradisi perusahaan berusia 120 tahun. Permintaan akan ide kualitas dan inovatif tertinggi telah membawa kita ke perusahaan dengan tradisi dan masa depan. Philipp Kohn, Direktur Global Powder Coatings Operations Supply Chain. Sistem Pelapisan Axalta 032014 ndash hari ini Direktur Operasi amp Supply Chain Powder Coating EMEA pada Sistem Pelapis Axalta 022013 - 022014 Jaringan Operasi Timbal Bubuk Pelapisan EMEA pada Sistem Pelapis Axalta 012010 - 022013 Jaringan Operasi Timbal Bubuk Pelapisan EMEA pada Pelapis Kinerja DuPont 072007 - 122009 Sistem Produksi DuPont 072007 - 122009 DuPont Production System (DPS) Manajer ndash di Pelaporan Kinerja DuPont 2006 - 072007 Manajer Operasional di Pelaporan Kinerja DuPont 2005 ndash Pelaporan Timbal Balik Kinerja Bisnis 2006 di Pelapis Kinerja DuPont 1995 ndash 2005 Process Technology Manager di DuPont Perfromance Coatings Singular fokus pada penyediaan lapisan brilian yang membedakan kami. Axalta Coating Systems adalah satu-satunya perusahaan pelapis global terkemuka yang didedikasikan semata-mata untuk pengembangan, pembuatan dan penjualan pelapis cair dan bubuk. Kami melayani pelanggan di bidang otomotif, transportasi, industri umum dan arsitektur dan dekoratif. Produk dan layanan inovatif kami meliputi cat, alat pencocokan warna, teknologi aplikasi dan pelatihan pelanggan dan sistem manajemen bisnis. Skala kami memastikan kami dapat menghadirkan sistem pelapisan yang inovatif di seluruh dunia. Ewald van Ravenswaay, Partner, Chartwell Consulting Operational Improvement profesional dengan fokus untuk memberikan hasil yang cepat dan bertahan dalam organisasi klien, besar dan kecil. Ewald adalah mitra di Chartwell Consulting dan memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun dalam memberikan terobosan peningkatan kinerja operasional. Dia telah berhasil membuktikan pendekatan kami dalam berbagai industri termasuk barang konsumsi, bahan kimia, fashion, konstruksi dan makanan. Pengalaman konsultasinya meliputi Eropa, Amerika Utara dan Timur Jauh. Broad experience implementing improvement methods and tools originating from popular philosophies like Lean, Theory of Constraints (Goldratt), TPM, World Class Manufacturing, etc. Specialities: Operational performance improvement: 20-50 improvement in operational performance without capital expense in 2-6 months. Operational Due Diligence: Fast and accurate analysis of operational performance, uncovering hidden opportunity andor risks as well as validation of investment vs. alternatives that do not require capital expenditure. Operations Leadership Coaching: Leadership coaching aimed at helping Operations Leaders ingrain an improvement culture deep in their business. Partner, Chartwell Consulting, Mai 2013 ndash Today Denken Partners, Oktober 2012 ndash April 2013, Operations Management Consulting. Principal, Zellweger Management Consultants, Februar 2010 ndash September 2012 Operations amp Management Consulting, Consultant, Stroud Consulting, Maumlrz 2004 ndash November 2009 Challenge your Peers Converting Double-digit Operational Improvements into Double-digit Profit Improvement - How manufacturing cost can be reduced in 6 months Zero-Loss Efficiency The framework for building a High Performance Operation The way the implementation plan was constructed Results to date and the way forward In this interactive session, we will use simulation techniques to explore and discuss different levers on increasing asset output in short timeframes without capital expenditure. Participants can share experiences pose questions and we can discuss examples of where these techniques have been applied successfully. Chartwell Consulting helps leading manufacturing and support services businesses to deliver industry beating improvements in: PRODUCTIVITY ndash PERFORMANCE ndash PROFIT Our team of consultants have many yearsrsquo experience delivering operational improvement for a wide range of companies. The team are led by four partners who between them have over 50 yearsrsquo experience in industry and working directly in operations. We believe passionately in continuous improvement, our core expertise is the identification and delivery of large and often hidden potential. We repeatedly achieve 20 - 50 improvement in performance in 2 - 6 months. Client leaders testify that we have a hands-on approach that leaves lasting change in their organisations. We will not take on engagements that do not justify our fees and we back up our work with a ldquono result, no feerdquo guarantee. Typical Situations where our clients will use us: 1. You feel that further value can be created from your business or assets and you are looking to gain the necessary insight and support to build your strategy. 2. You are production constrained and you need to increase output to increase sales. 3. You would like to drive sales growth without adding shifts, labour, or spending CAPEX 4. You want to improve productivity to drive cost savings. 5. You want to free up capital by making your supply chain more efficient. 6. There is a known problem that you need sorting out quickly, eg: stockouts or yield improvement. Global Process Safety-Center of Excellence Leader Chemtura Corporation December 2014 ndash Present (2 years 1 month) Global Director, Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Chemtura November 2013 ndash December 2014 (1 year 2 months) Director, Process Safety Chemtura September 2006 ndash October 2013 (7 years 2 months) Plant Manager Chemtura December 2005 ndash October 2008 (2 years 11 months)Morgantown WV Operations Technical Leader GE Specialty Chemicals 2001 ndash 2006 (5 years) Human error prevention, behavioral safety management, IoT, Technology amp Human Machine Interfaces ndash What are the next challenges for safety in process industries Black Swan Survival: Best practices in overcoming unpredicted catastrophic events What does it take to become a process safety leader Advancing process safety standards and practices through complying with work safe regulations Preventing major incidents and mitigating Human Error in investigations Building an Operational Excellence approac h using engineering design and maintenance and reliability programmes Integration of new technologies amp human machine interfaces in such programmes Chemtura Corporation is a global, specialty chemicals company listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Euronext Paris (CHMT), with leading positions in diversified markets. We build the chemistry that makes other products more durable, safer, cleaner and more efficient. Major industries served include transportation and energy amp electronics. With global headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, we manufacture products in 11 countries and sell products in over 80 countries. We have approximately 2,700 employees in research, manufacturing, sales and administrative facilities in every major market of the world, with regional headquarters and shared service centers in Shanghai, China Middlebury, Connecticut, USA and Manchester, United KingdomFrauenfeld, Switzerland. We are committed to global sustainability and engineering chemical solutions that meet our customersrsquo evolving needs. Among our businesses, we are: --A global manufacturer and marketer of high-performance additive components, building blocks for synthetic lubricant base-stocks (Industrial Performance Products) --A world leader in high-performing calcium sulfonate specialty greases and phosphate and polyol ester-based fluids (Industrial Performance Products) --A global leader in the development and manufacture of hot cast elastomers (Industrial Performance Products) --One of the three largest developers and manufacturers of bromine and bromine-based products (Great Lakes Solutions) --One of the three largest developers and manufacturers of organometallic compounds, that have applications in catalysts, surface treatment and pharmaceuticals (Organometallic Specialties) The hallmarks of our businesses include differentiation through technology, investing in sustainable technologies and applications, increased exposure to higher-growth regions, an expanded global footprint and infrastructure, greater custo mer focus and intimacy, and stewardship of our products and their use. Engineer with 16 years of experience in the polymer downstream business, with different roles at plant operation management and plant construction projects. Industry 4.0: does it support managing complexity Which information do we really need to steer a global business and keep its complexity under control Are all necessary information already available with the required quality Is Industry 4.0 the link between process-world and business data providing the desired transparency and enabling to identify new correlation between both worlds Covestro (formerly Bayer MaterialScience) manufactures and develops materials such as coatings, adhesives and sealants, polycarbonates (CDs, DVDs), polyurethanes (automotive seating, insulation for refrigerating appliances) etc. The main industries served are automotive manufacturing and supply, electrical engineering and electronics, construction and home products, and sports and leisure. Covestro has approximately 30 production sites around the globe. The company is divided into 3 principal Business Units (BU) that comprises the core segment of BMS. These are: BU Coatings, Adhesives, Specialties (BU CAS) BU Polycarbonates (BU PCS) BU Polyurethanes (BU PUR) Matt Holland, VP EURA Chemicals Sales, Aspen Technology An experienced and passionate international business leader, Matt Holland is VP Regional Sales, Chemicals at AspenTech and is responsible for all AspenTechrsquos Field Operations in the Chemicals industry across Europe and South Africa. Since joining AspenTech in 2014, Matt has directed European sales and business consultancy teams with a target-driven and transformational approach, consistently beating business targets and moving the company forward. Matt has more than 20 yearsrsquo experience specialising in senior sales and engineering management across international businesses, and in complex manufacturing IT environments, converting often challenging business requirements into commercial solutions. Prior to AspenTech, Matt held senior leadership roles at General Electric, Siemens and Mitsubishi Electric. Delivering on Industry 4.0 Today with aspenONE Much of the promise of Industry 4.0 is actually available today. AspenTech has been working with chemical industry customers for many years to increase visibility, improve customer responsiveness, achieve predictable manufacturing operations, and accelerate innovation through its industry leading aspenONE portfolio of engineering, manufacturing, supply chain, and asset performance management solutions. Companies have already achieved 5 improvement in key business metrics such as order fulfillment, production throughput, quality, and operating cost. Our presentation will cover how aspenONE enables these benefits through actual customer case studies. - Increasing agility despite growing complexity in manufacturing and supply chains --gt improve Customer Satisfaction by 5 to 10 and raise Throughput by 10 to 15 - Achieving consistent and predictable manufacturing outcomes --gt reduce Quality Defects by 5 to 10 - Improving overall asset effectiveness--gt reduce Unplanned Downtime and increase Asset Availability by 2 to 5 AspenTech has been focused on the process industries for 35 years, generating more than 50 billion USD in value for its customers since inception. Recognized by Forbes magazine as one of the worldrsquos most innovative growth companies, its aspenONE portfolio of engineering, manufacturing, supply chain, and asset performance management solutions helps chemical industry customers to profitably address their most complex business challenges. Alex van Delft has a background in Engineering Physics, a PhD in Process Control and Optimization, and joined DSM in 1989. He has had several positions in Manufacturing, Engineering and (Program) Management before joining DSM Corporate Operations in 2005. He has wide experience in operations and process control improvement projects, initiated process control opportunity assessments and managed projects in the field. He was also program manager for the reorganization of DSMrsquos central engineering department. Currently he is responsible for global Process Control in DSM, and as such heads a group of senior consultants. Main activities of his group: competence management, opportunity surveys and project support, choice of tools and suppliers, benchmarking and improving the skills of the people in the competence. Since 2012 he is also responsible for program management of the Functional Excellence activities in Operations for an important part of DSMrsquos business. Since 2010 he also serves as Chairman of the Executive Board of WIB, the DutchBelgian Process Control End Users39 Association. Quality by ME S Strategy ndash How a ME S Strategy supports a Material Sciences company in its ambitions towards Quality and Operational Excellence Royal DSM NV recently embarked on a journey towards Continuous Improvement. An important building block of this journey is the availability of adequate lant and business information. In the presentation lessons from a recently executed MES Strategy project will be shared: MES needs may different per Business type, but look at the complete field: ndash Traditionally Material Sciences plants are more focused on performance management: Important to look beyond the short term needs. Harmonizing and further development of work processes essential: Standardize work processes first. Tools will follow. DSM is a Dutch-based multinational life sciences and materials sciences company. DSM39s global end markets include food and dietary supplements, personal care, feed, medical devices, automotive, paints, electrical and electronics, life protection, alternative energy and bio-based materials. DSM has annual net sales of around euro10 billion and employs some 24,500 people worldwide. The company is headquartered in the Netherlands, with locations on five continents. Stan has 40 years experience in the Process Industries. He studied Chemistry, Economics and Technology at York University. As an Undergraduate his ideas in the field of mechanistic organic chemistry resulted in the University awarding him a PhD in record time. After a period in Medicinal Chemistry, Process Development, Technical Support and Manufacturing in Pharmaceuticals, Stan gained multi plant management experience in speciality commodity chemicals. As Technical then Managing Director of Fine Chemical Company Peboc they won several awards including 2 Queens Awards to Industry. On divesting the company from Solvay he moved to Tennessee, USA as Eastmanrsquos Fine Chemicalsrsquo Manufacturing Director. Returning to the UK, Stan was became a Director of Laporte Fine Chemicals and following the sale of Laporte to Degussa, he joined James Robinson Ltd, helping to establish new facilities in India and overseeing technical matters in their European sites Most recently he set up the Pharmaceutical amp Speciality Cluster in the North East of England and then established the North East Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC) and is currently its CEO. NEPIC represents 25 of the NE of England economy, this is the UK39s only net exporting region, largely due to the process sector. NEPIC and its industrial leadership focus on a strategy for growth and have delivered a portfolio of projects bringing in pound5 billion of investment. and securing pound2 billion of GVA per annum for the UK. NEPICrsquos members are chemical, speciality, polymer, biotech, pharma, renewable and supply chain companies employing 35,000 people and 190,000 indirectly. In 2008 NEPIC won a Chemical Industry Association Award for ldquoImproving the Trust and Reputation of the Industry. rdquo It was the 1st UK Cluster accredited by ESCA EU39s Cluster Analysis Scheme. March 2014 It became the 37th European amp 1st UK Cluster to attain the ESCA Gold Label. Stan was honoured to be named as European Cluster Manager of the Year 2014. Specialties: Leadership of Business amp Technology Development. Investment projects. Public and Private sector partnership. Industry - Education and Industry Academia projects Solution Study The current state of chemical manufacturing in 2027: Challenges and opportunities What is the current state of the chemical industry What are the shared challenges and opportunities Outlook: Chemical industry in 10 years NEPIC is an award winning membership cluster organisation working with the chemical-using industries in the North East of England. We cover a broad sweep of chemistry focussed industries including petrochemicals, polymers amp materials, fine amp speciality chemicals, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and renewables. Together with our member companies, we work to build upon the already powerful industrial base located here and make this region one of the most competitive and successful chemical-processing locations in Europe. We are privately-owned, led by industry and work to support cluster members to become successful and sustainable organisations, in a collaborative business environment that helps them to grow. Formed in 2004, NEPIC was the result of the merger of two industry bodies ndash the Teesside Chemical Initiative, who represented the heavy base chemical in the south of the region, and the PampS Cluster who worked with the pharmaceutical and life science businesses that were predominately based towards the north. Steered by Michael Porterrsquos theory of clustering for competitive advantage, NEPICrsquos remit was clear ndash reconnect the fragmented industrial sectors ndash a result of ICIrsquos exit from the region in the late 90rsquos ndash and create an industrial powerhouse to rival all other global locations. In 2014, NEPIC was the first UK cluster to receive the GOLD standard ESCA accreditation for cluster excellence and our chief executive, Dr. Stan Higgins is currently European Cluster Manager of the Year ndash a position he will hold until December 2016. In 2015, NEPIC achieved pound3 billion of Gross Value Added to the region through their activities since our inception. After graduating from Chalmers University of Technology with a Masters in Chemical Engineering Process Design, Elin worked as a Process Engineer for Kemira. Later she moved to Perstorp AB and worked in various management positions where her focus developed into optimisation and efficacy gains. This was cemented in 2012 when she became MD and Site Manager of Perstorp UK Ltd. Here, she and her fantastic team introduced the Perstorprsquos Operational Excellence program. Now, Elin is VP of Operational Excellence at Perstorp AB focusing on embedding a continuous improvement culture through integrating Lean elements (Perstorp Performance Systems) with all manufacturing platforms globally. The operations organisation is about 1000 people split across 9 sites. Additionally, she is helping to develop a new approach to Plant Utilisation based on traditional OEE concepts where bespoke software will collect data to optimize plant performance. How to deliver production excellence in the process industry through the combination of MES and Lean techniques A case study from the process industry using process improvement techniques and other novel approaches to production optimization. How can the continuous process industry benefit from Lean systems developed for discrete manufacturing and what role does MES play The importance of teamwork and engagement throughout the organisation and how do you make the result stick key success factors and potential pitfalls. GLOBAL From being a small Swedish family business Perstorp has grown into a world leading specialty chemicals Group with more than 1,500 employees and manufacturing units in ten countries in Asia, Europe and North America. Sales in 2011 amounted to SE 11, 297 m. The Perstorp Group is controlled by the French private equity fund PAI partners since 2005. EVERYWHERE The specialty chemicals Perstorp produces are added to products used every day at home, work or leisure. Customers are in the coatings, plastic processing and automotive industries - as well as contruction and engineering, the agricultural sector etc. Good products are made even better by providing certain planned and desired characteristics. SOLUTION PROVIDER Perstorp is differentiated with a unique position on the market made possible through an offer of everything from key chemical building blocks to semi-specialty chemicals and pure specialty products that together with a solution providing approach add maximum value for Perstorp39s customers. SUSTAINABLE Pertorp believes in improving everyday life - making it safer, more convenient, more fun, and more environmentally sound. This is achieved through innovative chemistry which maximizes performance and minimizes environmental impact at the same time. Over 80 of the Group39s RampD work is focused on developing more efficient and environmentally sound products and processes. Perstorp is systematically mapping the carbon footprints and lifecycle impact of the main products. Fernando Cruzado is a VP heading up the Chemical Industry Practice at EFESO Consulting. He has a strong Operational Excellence background and is a certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt. During his more than 15 years in business, he has been leading transformation programs in a wide range of industries as for example the Chemicals, Life Science, Engineering and TelecommunicationIT sectors. Fernando brings proven expertise in the field of managing global roll-outs of Operational Excellence programs as well as helping clients developing and implementing their Operational Strategy and Industrial Footprint. He is also engaged repeatedly in the delivery of senior management mobilization events and leadership trainings. As part of these assignments he has been working predominantly across Europe but also in the US and China. He brings the ability to adjust to cultural specifics and thus successfully engage and drive change in different environments. Fernando is a trusted senior management advisor amp recognized speaker at events in the chemical industry. Change Management ndash practical advice on how to deal with Human Dynamicsrdquo Why change can fail and what you should watch out for A simple and useful model to start with How to get practically started on this continuous journey Founded in 1980, EFESO Consulting is a global management consultancy firm specialised in ensuring the perfect execution of the strategy across the client ecosystem. EFESO Consulting is also an innovator delivering a new consulting experience which combines hands-on actions with vision and human touch. Over 400 consultants, operating from 27 offices, working in over 75 countries and representing more than 40 different nationalities currently support clients on more than 900 laquoProgressionraquo programmes using our unique ldquotandem approachrdquo. Our laquoProgressionraquo motto ldquoImproving your results today, securing your results for tomorrowrdquo means achieving business results faster and building the capabilities to continue to improve faster than competition. The laquoProgressionraquo delivers results and capabilities working at 3 levels, first at strategic level to anticipate and deploy, second at systemic level to connect the organisation and build the winning routines in terms of capabilities, leadership, engagement and behaviours and, last, at specific level to involve everybody in executing the actions orchestrated in the plan. The success of the EFESO approach is reflected by our 90 client retention. CEO, VPInstruments, January 1999 ndash Today Owner, VPInstruments, January 1998 ndash Today Live Tech Take Companies that lack an effective energy management program will eventually cease to exist, as they will be outperformed by competitors who have such a program in place. Without a systematic approach, based on true energy measurement on all key utilities, energy management is not possible. As Lord Kelvin used to say: If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it. With modern monitoring software and the right sensors, energy monitoring can be implemented easy and provides the key performance indicators which are important to you. During this 15 minute presentation, we will give a live demo of VPVision, the web based monitoring system for compressed air. You will get answers to questions like: How does VPVision work What functionality does VPVision offer Which sensors can be connected to VPVision What is the Return on Investment VPVision is currently available as on premise solution and can be installed right from the box. The typical implementation time is less than a couple of hours (excluding hardware installation), and the system is scalable. The monitoring system provides real time views on measurements. With the automated report function, it generates and e-mails PDF reports. Alarms can be set to notify maintenance personnel to take action at the right time. VPInstruments has been founded over 15 years ago, to provide fundamental, easy to use solutions to measurement problems, with two eyes for detail. You can still find those two eyes in our company logo. These are the two eyes that we keep focused on your energy consumption, so you can focus on improving your processes. Why others chose VPInstruments Our three-in-one flow meters are based on proprietary sensor technology (Thermabridge) and enable you to measure mass flow, flow direction, pressure and temperature. This is the only way to get a complete picture your energy consumption, which ultimately leads to the right savings meaasures. Our three in one products are used by customers worldwide to save them a great deal of money and energy. Together we can make a difference by saving significantly on production costs at your organization. At the same time we will make our planet a better and healthier place to live. Measure, discover and save We feel responsible for the quality of our products and the level of service we provide to our customers. We also care about the environment, leading to creating products that last and make a contribution towards energy savings. The VPFlowScope product line gives insight in compressed air systems and helps you find energy losses. Compressed air is a very expensive energy source. In fact it can be about 20 times more expensive than electricity. In many cases, compressed air is wasted due to leakage, non-optimal compressor configurations or misuse. Our products can help you improve and optimize your compressed air system. Your return on investment is a matter of months. Take a look at our savings success stories and read how our products helped other companies to save large amounts of money year after year. Serving the world to save energy Our products can be found all around the world. About 90 of our customers are from outside of the Netherlands. We serve many industries, for example automotive, glass manufacturing, cement, food and beverage, consumer goods. Are you ready to save some compressed air You can contact one of our authorized distributors, or you can contact us directly if your country is not in our listing. Feel free to contact us if you want to become a distributor. Head of IT amp Automation Mondi Group March 2015 ndash Present Abteilung IT amp Automatisierung Head of Automation Mondi Gronau GmbH November 2014 ndash February 2015 Abteilung Automatisierung Assistant to Head of Production Mondi Gronau GmbH April 2011 ndash October 2014 Abteilung Produktion - Prozessingenieur Project Trainee Kloumlckner Pentaplast GmbH amp Co. KG June 2010 ndash March 2011 Abteilung Research amp Development Big data analysis amp predictive techniques - The Mondi vision of the industrial internet of things - Turning manufacturing data into knowledge Big Data and Industry 4.0 - Impact on manufacturing and basically chemical companies Use of data mining techniques to increase resource efficiency Business Data Analytics in Manufacturing Intelligent energy data management in production Possibilities and limitations of Predictive Analytics Failure Detection, Fault Prediction, Predictive Maintenance Big Data in Manufacturing and Supply Chains - Predicting Behavior In Chemic al Industry Supply Chains Building a Predictive Analytics Organization Mondi is an international packaging and paper Group, employing around 25,000 people across more than 30 countries. Our key operations are located in central Europe, Russia, North America and South Africa. Mondi is integrated across the packaging and paper value chain - from managing forests and producing pulp, paper and compound plastics, to developing effective and innovative industrial and consumer packaging solutions. In 2015, Mondi had revenues of euro6.8 billion and a return on capital employed of 20.5 August 2014-today Head of Corp EHS Regulatory Intelligence at Boehringer Ingelheim Germany 2012-July 2014 Associate Director, Tech.-Transfer at Boehringer Ingelheim Ben Venue Laboratories, USA June 2009-2011 Director Center of Competence and Projects at Boehringer Ingelheim China 2008-2009 Senior Project Manager Operations at Boehringer Ingelheim Corporate, Germany September 2004 ndash Dexember 2007 Head of Production Pharma Chemicals at Boehringer Ingelheim Education 1988 ndash 1991 PhD European Commission, Joint Research Centre in Antwerp, Belgium 1985 ndash 1988 EHICS Grand Ecole for Chemistry Strasbourg France Dipl.-Chem. Chemistry and Chemical engineering Challenge your Peers How to manage (Operations and EHS workstream) a due diligence process and in which regard can CRS reporting data support What are the 3-5 key tools to be used Which CRS information is important and can be helpful in this process What is relevant and what can be a nice to have C. H. Boehringer Sohn AG amp Ko. KG is the parent company of Boehringer Ingelheim, which was founded in 1885 by Albert Boehringer in Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany. The Boehringer Ingelheim group is one of the world39s 20 leading pharmaceutical companies. Still headquartered in Ingelheim, it operates globally with 145 affiliates and more than 42,000 employees. The company39s key assets of interest are: respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson39s disease, HIV, thromboembolic disease and cerebrovascular disease. Since it was founded in 1885, the family-owned company has been committed to researching, developing, manufacturing and marketing novel products of high therapeutic value for human and veterinary medicine. Boehringer Ingelheim is a full member of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations EFPIA. After completing his PHD in biochemistry Dr Hanno Juhnke continued fundamental research as a postdoc at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysics in Frankfurt. He started his industrial career in 2008 with Sanofi and gathered expert knowledge in QA, risk management and LEAN production. He is now head of production and responsible for the manufacturing of combination products with a volume of 300 Mio units per year. He developed the new FMEA approach, rolled it out in a large production facility and represented it in official inspections. He has also published several patents in the field of medical devices. How to Fight Irrationality in Process Risk Analysis Everyday business shows that risk analyses done by the conventional process FMEA involves so many uncertainties that risk minimisation can rarely be completely accomplished Spengler and Juhnke designed a process FMEA to use a practical fact-based solution for bypassing the points that repeatedly proved to be an obstacle during implementation The new method is more resource-saving and efficient than the conventional process FMEA, significantly reduces the workload of operational experts and leads to more reliable results In their guideline, the authors concisely present their method by means of numerous examples. They show step by step how the process risk analysis is carried out and what needs to be observed The Guideline can be downloaded for free at: hgp-pharma-consultingenmediacenter-2prozess-fmea-according-spengler-juhnke Sanofi is a global life sciences company committed to improving access to healthcare and supporting the people we serve throughout the continuum of care. From prevention to treatment, Sanofi transforms scientific innovation into healthcare solutions, in human vaccines, rare diseases, multiple sclerosis, oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, diabetes and cardiovascular solutions and consumer healthcare. More than 110,000 people at Sanofi are dedicated to make a difference on patientsrsquo daily life, wherever they live and enable them to enjoy a healthier life. Johanna Krauthauf, Head of Organizational Development Communications, Kuraray Europe GmbH After graduation in business administration at the University of Cologne, Mrs. Krauthauf joined a consulting company, focusing on projects in the fields of Organizational Development and Performance Management. At Kuraray, Mrs. Krauthauf is in charge of Organizational Development and Corporate Communications in Europe, major projects include an European reorganization, the holistic cultural development process ldquoGrowingTogetherrdquo to shape a vital and innovative company and, as member of the PMO, the global Post Merger Integration project for the former DuPont Glass Laminating Solutions Busines with a very unique ldquoBest of Bothrdquo approach. Since July 2016, Mrs. Krauthauf is also in charge of the Global Branding and Marketing Communications of the Trosifolreg business, the business that resulted from the PMI process. First step accomplished in 2017 was the launch of the new branding and combined market approach of the integrated business. Teal amp Co: effective management and tools in established structures ndasha report on practical experience in the Operations area Positive development of KPIs in ldquoideal conditionsrdquo: effective management in greenfield conditions The challenge: leading at operational level within established structures (e. g. shift supervisors and foremen) Our solution: individual tools for any situation, e. g. recruiting and leadership feedback Kuraray is a global speciality chemicals group based in Tokyo, Japan. It is one of the largest suppliers of polymers and synthetic microfibres and an international leader in the development and use of innovative high-performance materials. Its subsidiary Kuraray Europe GmbH is Europersquos leading producer of polyvinyl alcohol (MowiolregKURARAY POVALtradeEXCEVALtrade) and polyvinyl butyral (MowitalregPioloformreg). Its Trosifolreg films are used for laminated safety glass for vehicles, buildings and solar installations. Kuraray Europersquos product portfolio also includes chemical specialities, activated carbon filters, thermoplastic elastomers, manmade fibres, manmade leather and dental products. Georg is a recognized leader with proven ability to drive organisational and cultural changes. He is a supply chain professional with 26 yearsrsquo experience across multiple cultures. Led turnarounds in diverse operational units and managed projects across countries in EMEA. Proven records in delivering business transformations, organisational and cultural changes. Coached multicultural and virtual teams. Authentic leader, who easily builds relations with people, internal and external stakeholders. Team player in diverse teams. Site Director amp Operations Manager Germany. Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH, May 2013 ndash Today General Manager LSC South Africa, Shell, January 2010 ndash April 2013 Regional SAP Project Manager EMEA, Shell, June 2005 ndash January 2010 Project Manager Operations NWE, Shell, August 1997 ndash May 2005 Logistics Consultant amp Project Ingenieur, Fraunhofer IML, June 1990 ndash July 1997 Global Production amp SCM Benchmark System Shell Key Performance Indicators Improve Industrial Performance Total Cost to Manufacture Unplanned Machine Downtime Manufacturing Cycle Time Improvement of Manufacturing Operations through a Lean Management Approach Royal Dutch Shell was formed in 1907, although our history dates back to the early 19th century. Our headquarters are in The Hague, the Netherlands, and our Chief Executive Officer is Ben van Beurden. The parent company of the Shell group is Royal Dutch Shell plc, which is incorporated in England and Wales. Our strategy seeks to reinforce our position as a leader in the oil and gas industry, while helping to meet global energy demand in a responsible way. Safety and environmental and social responsibility are at the heart of our activities. Our purpose We believe that oil and gas will remain a vital part of the global energy mix for many decades to come. Our role is to ensure that we extract and deliver these energy resources profitably and in environmentally and socially responsible ways. We seek a high standard of performance, maintaining a strong and growing long-term position in the competitive environments in which we operate. We aim to work closely with our customers, our partners and policymakers to advance a more efficient and sustainable use of energy and natural resources. Our people Our people are central to the delivery of our strategy. Working together on some of the most innovative and exciting energy projects in the world, from the worldrsquos deepest offshore oil and gas field to the largest floating liquefied natural gas production facility, we are making an impact on the future of energy. A diverse workforce and an inclusive work environment are vital to our success, leading to greater innovation and better solutions. April 2015-today Sales Director at Allied Reliability Group EMEA September 2010-today Director at Allied Reliability Group International January 2010-today Owner at MOR Int. December 2011-March 2015 Operations Manager at Allied Reliability Group EMEA April 2010-September 2010 Organization Advisor at KBC Group January 2005-August 2009 CEO at AWW December 2003-December 2003 Director Logistics at AWW How industry 4.0 can help the chemical industry How to prepare the organization for the upcoming transformation implicated by 4.0 How to create radical innovative business models How to create new sets of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and how to change organizational forms How will the organization 4.0 look like How will we measure the performance of a business characterized by its rapid business model changes Has the chemical industry been so reluctant to use the possibilities of industry 4.0 What challenges still lie head of us Allied Reliability Group offers best-in-industry maintenance, reliability, and operational consulting and services, training, staffing, and integrated software solutions servicing the industrial and manufacturing sector. Our Vision Statement Be the global partner for operational reliability solutions. Our Mission Statement For our customers, employees, and shareholders, we will: Understand each and their needs Deliver superior technical capabilities Demonstrate increasing value Partner at 3con since 2009. Having spent two years in the chemical industry where he worked on challenges of strategy, Ziad joined 3con Management Consultants in 2004. Ziadrsquos project work is focused on dealing with optimization and restructuring of sites and company structures. He is an expert in designing and deploying effective operations improvement programs. After studying chemistry and philosophy, he earned his doctorate at the Technical University of Darmstadt and Harvard University in the fields of philosophy of science and natural philosophy. Implementation of everything ndash Overcoming the challenges of implementing operational improvement program Operational improvement programs are initiated and deployed across process industries. There is no lack of new ideas and concepts to reduce costs and increase output. However, organizations regularly struggle to deliver and sustain the desired benefits. Traditional ldquotask amp controlrdquo steering tools seem to be insufficient to boost implementation success. We would therefore like to discuss: What are the main obstacles in implementing operational improvement programs How can these obstacles be overcome by leveraging innovative approaches such as facilitation methods or agile project management 3con Management Consultants ndash Enabling growth. Driving efficiency. 3con specializes on operations management and on transformation in process industries. We aid our clients in achieving sustainable commercial success by means of optimal use of their operational resources. We perceive ourselves as initiators and moderators in exigent change processes. We stand out due to our pragmatic way of working with a focus on implementation. Martin Valek is an Industry Director at GE Digital. His primary focus is in chemical amp pharma verticals globally. His career spans over 14 years of experience in various roles including research amp development, consulting for telecom amp automotive industries and commercial leadership for power transmission amp distribution. Lately, he was leading GErsquos innovation initiatives in Chemicals. His mission is to position GE Digital capabilities and Predix against customer needs and pain points in the asset intensive industries and manufacturing. He shapes the product development with the industrial insights. Together with the ecosystem of partners, he helps companies to succeed on their digital transformation journey. Martin holds a Master degree in Engineering and PhD in Physics from The Czech Technical University in Prague. He is IEEE member since 2003, Lean Management amp Six Sigma Green Belt and has a great passion for the Industrial Internet of Things. What are likely ways to achieve breakthrough performance with new processes and technologies to drive results to the next level Going beyond condition monitoring to improve equipment reliability, Approaches to Risk-Based Inspection analysis and how to benefit from them all PAM Excellence as Cornerstone to Improved Reliability Meridium, from GE Digital, is the global leader in asset performance management (APM) software and services for asset-intensive industries. Meridium increases the availability of assets, improves safety, optimizes cost and lowers risk for our global clients in more than 80 countries with more than 1,200 licensed sites around the world. Through our unique software developed in collaboration with our clients, we predict and prevent asset failures with intelligent asset strategies. Founded in 1993 and headquartered in Roanoke, VA (USA), with offices around the world, Meridium is the pioneer of APM and continues to drive innovation, leveraging the data from sensors, devices, systems and smart equipment to minimize unplanned events, incidents and downtime. Dick is a thoughtful enterprise IT solution executive with over 18 yearsrsquo experience. Prior to joining Meridium he held several UK and EMEA sales and marketing management positions at IBM for over 16 years. His current role as Sales Manager at Meridium gives him unique insights into how asset intensive organizations are looking beyond traditional data systems to find better ways of managing their asset performance, which will ultimately increase company ROI, improve processes, support strategy and culture changes. What are likely ways to achieve breakthrough performance with new processes and technologies to drive results to the next level Going beyond condition monitoring to improve equipment reliability, Approaches to Risk-Based Inspection analysis and how to benefit from them all PAM Excellence as Cornerstone to Improved Reliability Meridium, from GE Digital, is the global leader in asset performance management (APM) software and services for asset-intensive industries. Meridium increases the availability of assets, improves safety, optimizes cost and lowers risk for our global clients in more than 80 countries with more than 1,200 licensed sites around the world. Through our unique software developed in collaboration with our clients, we predict and prevent asset failures with intelligent asset strategies. Founded in 1993 and headquartered in Roanoke, VA (USA), with offices around the world, Meridium is the pioneer of APM and continues to drive innovation, leveraging the data from sensors, devices, systems and smart equipment to minimize unplanned events, incidents and downtime. December 2012 ndash today: Global PSR Operational Excellence Leader at HexionMomentive January 2012 ndash today: Global Business Process Owner Operations at HexionMomentive April 2009 ndash December 2012 Regional Manufacturing Leader Phenolic Resins and Site Leader at Hexion September 2004 ndash March 2009: Production amp Technical Manager at Arkema August 1999 ndash August 2004: Technical amp Process Manager at Atofina, Elf Atochem From big data to smart: How can data be transformed into knowledge and action Gathering data: Where do you get your data from Analyzing data: Which software do you use and what are the challenges Interpreting data: How can you transform data in to knowledge and action Profile of the Process Engineer 4.0: What skills and mindset will be helpful No matter what you make, making it in todayrsquos world is tougher than ever. The competition. The cost-cutting. The clamor for innovation. Itrsquos a demanding environment to say the leastmdash and one perfect for partnership with Hexion. Our global teammdashover 5,000 strongmdashproduces the best in specialty chemicals and performance materials and provides the technical expertise to customize them to your exact needs. The result Specific solutions, not generic products, leading to thousands of breakthroughs that improve businessesrsquo bottom lines and customersrsquo lives. In returning to the Hexion name, with its heritage of innovation plus partnership, we want to make a clear, strong statement that we are more serious than ever about helping you succeed. After all, we only make it if you do. Wersquore proud to be Hexion. Helping you make it in todayrsquos world. Christian Jahn, Director Supply Planning, Stryker Leibinger GmbH Co. KG 072016 - today, Director Supply Planning, Stryker 062013 - 062016, Senior Manager Manufacturing - Implants, Geschaumlftsleitung, Stryker Leibinger GmbH amp Co. KG 012011 - 052013, Senior Manager Manufacturing, Geschaumlftsleitung, Stryker Leibinger GmbH amp Co. KG 052009 - 122010, Manager Manufacturing Development, MD, Stryker Leibinger GmbH amp Co. KG 052008 - 042009, Manager Business System Integration amp Qualitaumltsinitiative, MD, Stryker Leibinger GmbH amp Co. KG 082005 - 042008, Manager US Supply Chain amp Business System Integration, MD, Stryker Leibinger GmbH amp Co. KG 062004 - 072005, Supervisor Business System Integration, Stryker Leibinger GmbH amp Co. KG 082002 - 052004, Analyst Supply Chain Management, SAP-Keyuser (SD, MM, WM), Stryker Leibinger GmbH amp Co. KG 102000 - 072002, Distribution Analyst, SAP-Keyuser (SD), Stryker Leibinger Gmbh amp Co. KG A Case Study from the medical device industry ndash The app roach of Centers of Excellence (CoE) to support a global manufacturing footprint strategy An additional component to the SampOP process An enabler for cross functional and cross organizational collaboration A link between manufacturing locations, to drive standardization, to increase long-term capacity flexibility and to support supply chain integration Stryker Corporation is a Fortune 500 medical technologies firm based in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Stryker39s products include implants used in joint replacement and trauma surgeries surgical equipment and surgical navigation systems endoscopic and communications systems patient handling and emergency medical equipment neurosurgical, neurovascular and spinal devices as well as other medical device products used in a variety of medical specialties. In the United States, most of Stryker39s products are marketed directly to doctors, hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Internationally, Stryker products are sold in over 100 countries through company-owned sales subsidiaries and branches as well as third-party dealers and distributors. Marc Arthur Heinisch. Managing Director, CON MOTO Consulting Group Dr.-Ing. Marc A. Heinisch is Senior Partner at ConMoto Consulting Group GmbH as well as managing director of the Austrian and Swiss subsidiary. As specialist for maintenance he was responsible for the implementation of high efficiency production and maintenance systems in Hungary, Germany and France. He led several projects in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, including Asia and Africa. He has been invited to speak at numerous congresses he was spokesman of Graduate Students Association of Duke amp North Carolina State University and keynote speaker at the congress of the Federation of Austrian Industry. Before ConMoto he was responsible for various projects (including Bayer and BASF) and acted as technical sales support at Dystar de Mexico in Mexico City. For 3 years he was responsible for SCM, IT-environment and ISO 9000 certification in a medium-sized textile company. How to achieve Value optimized Maintenance and Asset Innovation - discussion and practical input Reliability centered maintenance and its contribution to equipment effectiveness and reduced maintenance cost Integrated approach to budgeting, maintenance strategy optimisation and resource forecasting Cost control strategies in maintenance: Effective planning and engineering of new plants, (pilot plants) design of plants, spare parts management and supplier relationship management in a validated environment Asset Care Excellence (ACE ) ndash Improving asset performance and asset lifecycle management with world-class TPM Calibration, re-qualification and synchronized maintenance of equipment We are the management consultancy with clout when it comes to implementation. Our consultants have a wealth of managerial experience and adopt an entrepreneurial approach to create sustainable value enhancement for our customers. Using innovative methods and acting in a spirit of partnership, we systematically develop and implement solutions, efficiently change structures and processes and successfully motivate people. As colleagues our work is based on mutual appreciation and trust. We aspire to be a reliable and attractive employer to our employees. Gary has been in the field of maintenance and reliability for the past 31 years. As Engineering Manager he oversees all of ARMS Reliabilityrsquos improvement projects across Europe, Middle East, and Africa. He is experienced working with clients in a wide-range of industries on sizable and complex reliability projects. Some of his areas of expertise include: maintenance strategy development, reliability centered maintenance, system availability, reliability implementation programs, and root cause analysis facilitation and investigation. Driving Manufacturing Excellence through Reliability Leadership World-class operations acknowledge that success is achieved through strong leadership however, they also know that in order to truly deliver value they must engage and empower everyone on the team. Leadership does not come from one personmdashit comes from everyone. This is especially true for reliability. Reliability requires a disciplined approach to balancing value and risk and the leadership skills to take people on the journey with you. Do you have Reliability Leaders in your organization Where are you on your Reliability journey Have you got current maintenance initiatives that are not working Do you have a framework for Reliability Since 1995, ARMS Reliability has been at the forefront of proactive asset management strategies for a range of blue chip companies throughout the world. These companies have entrusted ARMS Reliability with delivering business goals through effective asset management and improvements in operational productivity. We are a service, software, and training organization providing a quotone stop shopquot for Reliability Engineering, RAMS, and Maintenance Optimization for both new and existing projects. Our aim is to empower our clients with the knowledge and expertise to make asset management decisions that optimize plant maintenance, reliability and availability at the lowest cost and risk. Our offices are located in North America, South America, Europe, Australia and South Africa and we have an experienced, professional team of engineers and trainers that spans the globe. We39re all about. Innovative asset reliability improvement solutions Advancing the practice of asset management Empowering your team to make proactive decisions Visit our blog at thereliabilityblog Holger Khn, Head of Supply Chain, WeylChem Wiesbaden GmbH Strategic and dynamic supply chain leader with extensive international experience in the Specialty and Commodity Chemical industry. A proven track record of supply chain structuring, optimization and operating. Cost reduction achieved through leveraging critical processes and technology for the safe transport of both hazardous and nonhazardous bulk products globally. Pragmatic and results-driven professional with a broad background in: Supply Chain (internal and external), Logistics (all modes and DG), Production Planning, Demand and Supply Management, and System implementations (SAPRFIDGPS). Strong communication skills and demonstrated ability to: Develop and execute complex Supply Chain strategies and business processes. Manage cross functional teams globally in a dynamic business environment. Develop and retain talented individuals to build highly effective teams. Plan, design and implement technology projects in support of the business strategy. Build relationships both vertically and horizontally within the organization. Lead teams to deliver or exceed committed business results through operating efficiency and sustainability. Transportmanagement 2025 ndash where we need to watch out Demographical development and the resulting shortage in people that can operate transport vehicles in the truck drivers segment is becoming a global problem - is autonomic transport the only solution What implications can we expect within the chemical industry especially for manufacturing areas and warehouses WeylChem Group of Companies was established in 2005 as the Fine Chemicals platform of International Chemical Investors Group (ICIG), a privately owned industrial holding company. WeylChem Group of Companies consists of nine operating companies in four different countries across Europe and the US. Our constant focus on the latest developments in our customersrsquo key markets ensures that we are always well positioned to provide the right answers ndash even to highly advanced and complex technical challenges. As a leading group of companies we make the utmost use of our strong synergistic potential. We offer various products and services in two business segments: Fine Chemicals WeylChem is a recognized custom manufacturer that delivers exclusive products and services according to customer requirements and specifications. In addition, WeylChem offers intermediates and reagents, which are used as starting materials for various applications and markets worldwide. The Performance Products are offered for specific and niche markets. Our spectrum of key technologies is unique in the market. They are available at many different scales, from lab samples to pilot quantities up to full industrial volume. Consumer Care WeylChem Wiesbaden and Nease are long term suppliers to the Home Care, H I amp I and surfactant markets. Our products include for example Hydrotropes, Sulfonates, acid catalysts, oxidation catalysts, bleach activators and growing number of ingredients for industrial and recently cosmetic applications. We serve the industrial markets with metal working additives, surfactants for emulsion polymerizations, adjuvants of agricultural blends as well as with surfactants and other products into the oilfield market. With our technical expertise we are able to tailor our products according to the specific needs of our partners. We constantly strive to enhance our portfolio with new developments, applications and formulas based on our expertise. Have a well balanced life, fun on the job, never stop learning and always explore new challenges Work all over the globe in a multicultural environment where clear and efficient communication is key Make the best out of every situation, apply an absolute 39Can Do39 attitude and inspire others to use a similar approach and motivation My core values. Safety, Health, Openness, Integrity and Trust. Leadership. Demonstrates leadership in safety by example, experience in chairing regional and global networks, experience in leading teams with local and remote collaboration, experience with objective setting and stewardship of department, network and workgroup39s year plan Team interactions. Team player, ability to inspire and steward a team, used to work in multi cultural environments, good listening skills Business Mindset. Attention for time amp priority management, cost-effective mindset, client-oriented, maximum use of IT-tools leading to cost-effective meetings, focus to a good 39product packing39, concise and crisp reporting Solutions. Strong analytical and problem solving skills, critical and creative thinking Exxonrsquos vision regarding Open Process Automation (OPA) ndash Specifications and standards for an, open, secure, and interoperable process control architecture ExxonMobil must replace a significant percentage of its regulatory control systems in Refining and in Chemicals during the next ten to fifteen years Based on a research program that was started in 2010, ExxonMobil has proposed a solution that involves a standards-based open, secure, and interoperable process automation architecture This solution leverages technological and business model transformations that other industries have experienced ndash notably avionics and telecommunications At present, ExxonMobil is progressing two parallel activities to achieve the vision The first is an activity with Lockheed Martin to build a prototype of the open, secure, interoperable process automation system The second is an activity with The Open Group to build t he consensus-based standards collaboration among end user companies, suppliers, and system integrators that is required to develop and sustain the standard-based architecture ExxonMobil is the world39s largest publicly traded international oil and gas company, providing energy that helps underpin growing economies and improve living standards around the world ExxonMobil uses innovation and technology to deliver energy to a growing world. We explore for, produce and sell crude oil, natural gas and petroleum products. We operate facilities or market products in most of the worldrsquos countries and explore for oil and natural gas on six continents. Comprehensive, diverse, technical, managerial, leadership, international and US experience in each of the areas: process development, process engineering, project engineering, process design, process control systems, process safety management, hazards and consequence analysis, environmental impact analysis, steady state and dynamic process simulation, energy integration, process troubleshooting, operations management and training, energy integration, regulatory compliance, design and implementation of quality systems. Plant Debottlenecking and Optimization in Chemical Industries ndash How to Cope with the Challenges Plant debottlenecking ndash What are the rules to make it successful Basic strategies to optimize chemical production Beyond troubleshooting - Revamp work and troubleshooting can be part of a plant debottlenecking effort Process Plant Optimization Technology amp Continuous Improvement Increasing plant39s efficiency, optimizing raw material consumption, energy and other utilities, capacity utilization, on-stream availability, safety rating, competitiveness and profitability among others A designer of materials and innovative solutions, Arkema shapes materials and creates new uses that accelerate customer performance in lightweight and design materials, biosourced materials, new energies, water management, solutions for electronics, and the performance and home insulation. A specialty chemicals global major, with 3 business segments - High Performance Materials, Industrial Specialties, and Coating Solutions - and globally recognized brands, the Group reports annual sales of 7.7 billion euros. Buoyed by the collective energy of its 19,000 employees, Arkema operates in close to 50 countries. Arkema fosters interaction with its stakeholders, and innovates around 6 solution-oriented research platforms which shape the Group39s RampD to address the major global trends today and in the future.
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